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  • Title degree scroll official
  • 240 credits 240 credits
  • 4 years 4 years
  • On-site On-site
  • Spanish Spanish
  • Pamplona Pamplona
  • 300 places 300 places
  • School of Law School of Law

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Studies human behavior, laws and codes that regulate their conduct in society.

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If you study the Degree in Law you will be able to acquire a general knowledge of the discipline and the legal methodology that will allow you to exercise activities of professional character in the field of Law.


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27 mar. 2025


UNAV in Sao Paulo

Hotel Melia Ibirapuera (Av. Ibirapuera, 2534 - Indianópolis, São Paulo - SP, 04028-002, Brazil- conference room Caju

27 mar. 2025

6:30 p.m.

UNAV in Sao Paulo

Hotel Melia Ibirapuera (Av. Ibirapuera, 2534 - Indianópolis, São Paulo - SP, 04028-002, Brazil- conference room Caju)

01 abr. 2025


UNAV in Porto Alegre

Porto Belo Cultural Center Rua Barão de Ubá, 447 - Bairro Bela Vista - Porto Alegre/RS - Cep : 90450-090 Brazil

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Complete the Degree by taking one of our diplomas from specialization through which you can learn complementary knowledge that is highly valued in the labor market. Choose yours!

In addition, you will be able to take the Degree in Law together with the Degree in Philosophy or the Degree in International Office and obtain a double Degree in 6 years.

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advisory service to companies

Diploma in Economic Law

Intended for students who want to dedicate their future to the legal advisory service of companies. It completes the Degree in Law and provides the specialization in Economics, finance and management of companies.


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Students of the School Law School

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Get an international professional profile

Anglo-American Law Program

This diploma is designed to provide students with a thorough understanding of the Anglo-Saxon legal system and its application in the international context.


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Student in a seminar of the Amigos Building

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Law and business

International Business Law Program

He is a diploma of training in international business law. The goal is to provide a training internship on legal issues relevant to companies, including contract law, intellectual property and dispute resolution.


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Students at congress UNMUN

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Our most complete program

Global Law Program

This diploma combines the legal instructions of the Anglo-Saxon world with international business law. It is the sum of the subjects of two diplomas, the Business Law Program and the Anglo-American Law Program, providing an overview of the law that allows to position oneself in a globalized world.


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Teacher advice and student

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Prepare for a globalized world

Right +International Office

In an increasingly complex, global and interconnected society, the presence of professionals capable of understanding reality, analyzing situations and seeking solutions is crucial.


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student during the Litis Simulatio

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Understands the ethical issues of the legal world

Right +Philosophy

The combination of programs of study of Law and Philosophy is oriented to the reflection on the great topics, but always with application internship and current.


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Student during the congress UNMUN

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Legal and Social Sciences

Business Administration + Law

In the corporate management legal issues are of great relevance. The double Degree provides the appropriate training to address both areas.


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Legal and Social Sciences

Economics +Law

The world of institutions and public management implies having a deep knowledge of economic issues but also of the legal aspects of the relationships between individuals, institutions and countries.


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Write us and we will try to help you

You can ask us anything you want, we are not bots, shall we chat?

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José Mario Sánchez

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José Mario Sánchez

Head of Admissions for Degree

Write me a Whatsapp

Send me an email

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Do you want more reasons?

The student must be restless and must have a strong vocation for service. In a changing society, common sense and a critical spirit acquire relevance in the figure of the leader, anxious to find answers to everything that happens. Interest in political and economic current affairs is essential for the successful development of a profession, that of jurist, which finds its protagonists in ambitious, committed and tolerant students.

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The School Law School is ranked among the 50 best in the world and the 1st in Spain in its specialization program, according to The World University Rankings.

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More than 40 selection processes each year with national and international law firms and leading consultancy service firms, including the Big4.

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Collaborations with universities all over the world, on-site stays, the International Moot Courts, internships and employment international...

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We offer you:

Honors Program: An academic high performing program that offers students the opportunity to live a unique educational experience. We are looking for bright students, capable of taking responsibility, committed to society, passionate about work and determined to build a better future in a global world.

University experience: At School Law is not all about theoretical classes. We offer our students the possibility to learn the profession first hand in a dynamic way and internship.

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Let nothing hold you back from your future

From the beginning of the University of Navarra, we have worked to ensure that no student with the ability to study with us is left without fulfilling his or her dream for financial reasons.

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student from School de Derecho

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School of the Opponent

We aspire to be a preparation center for all those students who, by means of a civil service examinationdegree program are considering their professional career in the Senior Public Service.

Through the Escuela del Opositor we provide our students with the necessary tools so that they can discover this vocation, learn first-hand about all the alternatives and, during their studies, get into the study of a specific competitive examination.


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Program in Innovation & Entrepreneurship

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Program in Innovation & Entrepreneurship

The first university Entrepreneurship program that blends in seamlessly with your degree program

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Impact of our teaching, research and transfer of knowledge

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The University, second best in Spain according to the CYD 2024 ranking. +

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The University, among the top 100 universities in the world in 7 subjects of the QS 2025 ranking . +

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5 teaching areas of the University, among the best in the world according to the Times Higher Education 2023 ranking . +

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The University obtains the HR Excellence in Research seal that accredits it as an entity committed to quality in the management of human resources at research (2020). +

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