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consultancy service HACCP

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point System (HACCP)

The Hotel and Catering Sector is obliged to carry out a self-monitoring system to ensure the sanitary quality of the meals prepared, distributed and served, so that they do not cause any harm to the consumer (Royal Decree 3484/2000 establishing the hygiene rules for the preparation, distribution and trade of prepared meals). 

The Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system has proven to be a good self-control system, which is why its application has become widespread in catering companies. Our team puts at your disposal a consultancy service for implementation and monitoring of the HACCP, which will advise you and provide you with the appropriate training in the development of the documentation, table of management, templates, records, and controls necessary for the proper functioning of the system. 

The consultancy service comprises the following activities:



  • Composition of the HACCP team

  • Description of products and expected use

  • Flowcharts

  • Hazard analysis and preventive measures

  • Identification of Critical Control Points (CCP)

  • Establishing critical limits

  • Establishment of the monitoring system

  • Establishment of corrective actions

  • System verification

  • Documentation and registration system

requirements previous

  • Maintenance plan for installations and equipment

  • Cleaning and disinfection plan

  • Pest control plan

  • Water supply monitoring plan

  • Good hygiene practice plan

  • Plan of training of the staff

  • Supplier control plan

  • Traceability plan

  • Allergen management plan

  • management waste plan

Periodic audits of companies allow us to know the strengths and weaknesses of the HACCP system and its implementation Degree . Our specialised technicians travel to your facilities to check in situ the operability of the system and propose actions for continuous improvement. 

The audits cover the following aspects:

  • Verification of compliance with previous requirements programmes (planning, controls and records concerning facilities, suppliers, cleaning and disinfection, water and surface controls, etc.).

  • Verification of compliance with the HACCP system in place (identification of prepared meals, records of processing and serving temperature, records of storage equipment, etc.).

  • Verification of good hygiene practices (clothing and hygiene of handlers, hand washing, cleaning and disinfection of surfaces, equipment and utensils).

  • Study of incidents, complaints, deviations: corrective actions applied and improvement actions.



Dr. Roncesvalles Garayoa

University of Navarra
C/ Irunlarrea s/n

31008 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 42 56 00

Ext. 806561