Students should have an interest in translational research and an intellectual curiosity that motivates them to delve deeper into the fundamentals of scientific research and to ask new questions. They are also required to have enthusiasm and motivation to seek quality and excellence in work. In addition, they must have respect for professional ethics and be able to work with intellectual and professional rigour.
There are 6 profiles for apply for at Admissions Office:
- profile 1. graduate in Medicine/Pharmacy with training from postgraduate program of 8 ECTS credit credit in Statistics or Epidemiology and 4 ECTS credit credit in Bioethics.
- profile 2. graduate in Science, Health and Technical Sciences, with Master's Degree of research in Science or Health Sciences.
- profile 3. graduate/graduate in Medicine/Pharmacy.
- profile 4. graduate in Sciences, Health Sciences and Techniques with place of training specialised health who has passed with assessment positive results at least two years of training of a programme for obtaining the official degree scroll of one of the specialities in Health Sciences.
- profile 5. graduate/graduate in Science, Health Sciences and Techniques with Master's Degree (not from research) in Science, Health Sciences and Techniques.
- profile 6. graduate/graduate in Science, Health Sciences or Engineering under the University Reform Act (LRU), i.e. programs of study with a duration of at least 300 ECTS credit credit.
DEDICATION: In addition to the dedication full-time, the doctoral program contemplates the incorporation of students part-time, who will combine their dedication to the programs of study with the practice of their profession.
1. In general, in order to access an official programme of doctorate it shall be necessary to hold the official Spanish degrees of Degree, or equivalent, and of Master's Degree University.
2. Access shall also be granted to those who are in one of the following situations:
agreement a) Hold an official Spanish university degree, or from another country belonging to the European Higher Education Area, which qualifies the holder for access to a Master's degree, in accordance with the provisions of Article 16 of Royal Decree 1393/2007, of 29 October, and have passed a minimum of 300 credits ECTS credit in official university studies, of which at least 60 must be at Master's level.
b) Hold an official Spanish degree of graduate or Graduate, the duration of which, in accordance with the rules of Community law, is at least 300 credits ECTS credit. These graduates must take the complementary training courses referred to in Article 7.2 of this rule, unless the Study program of the corresponding degree of Degree includes research training credits, equivalent in training value to the research credits from Master's studies.
training c) University graduates who, after obtaining place at training in the corresponding test for access to places in training specialised health care, have passed at least two years of a programme for obtaining the official degree scroll in one of the specialities in Health Sciences with a positive assessment .
d) Holding a degree obtained in accordance with foreign education systems, without the need for its recognition, after verification by the university that it accredits a level of training equivalent to that of the official Spanish Master's degree and that it entitles the holder to access doctoral studies in the country issuing the degree. This admission will not imply, under any circumstances, the homologation of the previous degree held by the interested party nor its recognition for any other purposes than that of access to doctoral studies.
e) Be in possession of another Spanish doctoral degree obtained in accordance with previous university regulations.
f) Be in possession of an official university degree that has obtained the correspondence to level 3 of the framework Spanish Qualifications for Higher Education, from agreement with the procedure established in the Royal Decree 967/2014, of 21 November, which establishes the requirements and the procedure for the homologation and declaration of equivalence to degree and official university academic level and for the validation of foreign studies in Higher Education, and the procedure to determine the correspondence to the levels of the framework Spanish Qualifications for Higher Education of the official degrees of Architect, Engineer, graduate, Technical Architect, Technical Engineer and diploma holder.
The student Apply for admission through the online platform MiUnav. The School of doctorate reviews the documentation and sends it to Academic Committee of doctoral program which, due to Issue of issue admissions, delegates this process to coordinator/Vicecoordinator.
Due to its trajectory, the programme has had to rely on a committee of professors who collaborate in conducting personal interviews with candidates. This interview assesses the suitability of candidate and the assignment, where appropriate, of complements from training. After this evaluation, the coordinator or Vice-coordinator issues his or her approval and sends it to the Doctoral School for its resolution.
The letter from Admissions Office is sent to student together with the necessary information to formalise the enrollment.
In the annual meeting of the Academic Committee of the Programme the coordinator reports the total admissions and resolves those that for some reason have not been resolved.
The student will be able to propose when making the application of Admissions Office the line of research in which he/she wants to carry out his/her work and/or a possible Director/es for the realisation of their research Plan. Among these requests, the following will be assessed:
- transcript degree program from Degree: 65% (score minimum 6/10)*.
(If the degree program giving access to the programme is foreign, a statement of equivalence of average grades issued by the Ministry of Education is required).
- Curriculum vitae: 15%.
- Interview staff: 20% (score minimum 8/10)* (the suitability of the candidate will be assessed by contrasting his/her application with his/her scientific and research vocation, the Degree commitment of both student and the Director for the Institution; and the student will be advised on the programs of study to be started and the specific characteristics of the programme, answering any doubts that the applicant may have).
* score minimum required for access, being a reason for not Admissions Office a score below the minimum indicated.
The website doctoral program reservation allocates 50% of the new places to full-time students part-time.
Students with specific educational needs derived from disability will be provided with support services during the process of Admissions Office and an academic advisor that will evaluate the need for possible curricular adaptations, alternative itineraries or programs of study . In addition, the University of Navarra has a Unit for the Care of People with Disabilities. The criteria for Admissions Office will be the same in the case of special educational needs as in the ordinary case.
Pablo Irimia Sieira
coordinator of the Programme
C/ Irunlarrea, 1
31008 Pamplona, Spain
(+34) 948 425 648
José Luis Vizmanos Pérez
Vice Program Coordinator
C/ Irunlarrea, 1
31008 Pamplona, Spain
(+34) 948 425 648