Presentación: texto del cuerpo


presentation. doctorate of Applied Medicine and Biomedicine

The Official Programme of doctorate in Applied Medicine and Biomedicine, is part of the Doctoral School of the University of Navarra, which the University of Navarra has implemented, in the framework established by the RD 99/2011, as a body for planning, coordination and monitoring of the Programmes of doctorate. Those responsible for its development and organisation are the Schools of Medicine and Science.

The Academic Committee of the Programme is the manager of its definition, update, quality and coordination, as well as of the progress of the research, of the training and of the authorisation of the presentation of thesis of the PhD students of the Programme. The Academic Committee is made up of:

coordinator of the Programme

D. Pablo Irimia Sieira

attachment to coordinator of the Program

D. Matías Ávila Zaragozá

Vice Program Coordinator

Mr. José Luis Vizmanos Pérez

Vice-Dean of research and doctorate School of Medicine

Ms. Ana Patiño García

Vice-Dean of postgraduate program School of Science

Ms. Inmaculada Pascual Elizalde

Deputy Director of the Doctoral School

Ms. Ana Rouzaut Subirá


It is a programme adapted to the European Higher Education Area Education which has been verified in accordance with the procedures laid down in RD 99/2011, which regulates official teaching doctorate. It has official status and is registered at Registry of Universities Centers and Qualifications (BOE of 26 October 2016).

This doctoral program brings together the extensive trajectory of several doctorate programmes from both Schools, endorsed by the concession of several Mentions of Quality and Excellence awarded by the Ministry of Education and Science:

  • doctoral program in research Biomedical (formerly doctoral program in Cell and Molecular Biology) distinguished with the accredited specialization of Quality(MCD2004-00346, renewed uninterruptedly from the academic year 2004/2005 to 2010/2011). Distinguished with the accredited specialization of Excellence(MEE 2011-0099) for the academic years 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14.

  • doctoral program in research Applied Medicine (DIMA) distinguished with the accredited specialization of Excellence(MEE 2011-0229) for the academic years 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14.

  • doctoral program at Neuroscience and Cognition distinguished with the accredited specialization of Quality(MCD2003-00695, renewed continuously from the academic year 2003-04 to 2010-11). Distinguished with the accredited specialization of Excellence(MEE2011-0224) by the Ministry of Education for the academic years 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14.

grade: The Ministry of Education stopped publishing the call for accredited specialization of Excellence so it has not been possible to renew the mentions from 14/15 onwards.

This interdisciplinary program brings together the lines and groups of research of the previous DP in an efficient and rational way in order to consolidate and develop the excellent quality standards already accredited. The Programme is articulated around 7 main lines of research which bring together the work of all the participating entities:

  1. Oncology and Haematology

  2. Neurosciences and Sense Organs

  3. Cardiovascular Diseases

  4. Inflammatory, Immune and Infectious Diseases and Ageing

  5. Digestive and Hepatology

  6. Obesity, Nutrition and Lifestyles

  7. Advanced Therapies and Diagnostic Innovation

Presentación: desplegables

This doctoral program brings together the long history of several programmes of doctorate:

Doctoral program at research Biomedical

The doctoral program in research Biomedical was implemented in 12/13 and verified according to RD 99/2011 of 28 January.

It comes from the Official Programme of doctorate in Cellular Biology implemented in the academic year 87/88 and C and implemented successively as prescribed by RD 185/1985, RD 778/1998, RD 56/2005 and RD 1393/2007.

report Excellence in Cell Biology (.pdf)

doctoral program at research Applied Medicine (DIMA)

The doctoral program in research Applied Medicine was implemented in the academic year 2006/2007 and C and implemented successively as prescribed by RD 56/2005, RD 1393/2007 and RD 99/2011.

This programme comes from the former PD in Surgery, Oncology, Clinical Physiopathology, Hepatology and Gene Therapy, Physical Exercise and Sports Medicine and Medicine, implemented in accordance with the provisions of RD 185/1985 and RD 778/1998.

report DIMA Excellence (.pdf)

doctoral program at Neuroscience and Cognition

The doctoral program at Neuroscience and Cognition was implemented at academic year 2006/2007 and C and implemented successively as prescribed by RD 56/2005, RD 1393/2007 and RD 99/2011.

This programme comes from the former doctoral program in Neuroscience implemented according to the provisions of RD 185/1985 and RD 778/1998.

report Excellence Neuroscience (.pdf)


Resolution accredited specialization towards Excellence Programmes doctorate

The Program benefits from the participation of Schools and centers of research and attendance of recognized prestige from the University of Navarra itself.

Of the Schools of Medicine and Sciences the following participate Departments :

The following also participate: Schools from the University of Navarra:

  • report Acredita 03/11/2021)
    If you would like to express your opinion about the content or the implementation of doctoral program, please click here.

Páramo Fernández, José Antonio (contacto doctorado)


Pablo Irimia Sieira

coordinator of the Programme

Pablo Irimia Sieira

C/ Irunlarrea, 1

31008 Pamplona, Spain

(+34) 948 425 648

Odero, María Dolores (contacto doctorado)

José Luis Vizmanos Pérez

Vice Program Coordinator

José Luis Vizmanos Pérez

C/ Irunlarrea, 1

31008 Pamplona, Spain

(+34) 948 425 648

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