Aplicaciones anidadas


Aquatic invasive alien species

Aplicaciones anidadas


The invasive species are a major threat to the native flora and fauna of rivers, also causing serious economic, social and health problems.

In Europe, and particularly in Spain and Portugal, the public, environmental managers and other groups core topic related to invasive alien species (IAS) have a biased understanding of the threats and problems posed by these species. This makes it difficult to mobilize relevant sectors and other stakeholders for their management and control, especially with introductions that do not affect human health or important economic interests. IAS and their impacts are not sufficiently known and are often considered to have little socioeconomic effect.

This project aims to increase communication and dissemination of information on IAS. To this end, it aims to facilitate the exchange of knowledge on successful environmental solutions and practices through the development of cooperation among interested parties. 

Aplicaciones anidadas


Specific objectives

Aplicaciones anidadas



Support and facilitate the implementation of the EU IAS Regulation, generating synergies between the creation of knowledge and those responsible for management. It is intended to develop courses and conference of training, to elaborate priority lists of management on IAS (Iberian IAS Black List, Alarm List, etc.) and to facilitate the implementation of a trans-Iberian strategy for the management of aquatic IAS.



Increase and improve the Iberian capacity for early detection and rapid response in the management of IAS (EWRR) by raising awareness and training of groups core topic (environmental agents, river and estuarine users, educators and multipliers of knowledge, etc.), as well as developing European codes of conduct on IAS, training and information campaigns, etc.



Raise public awareness of the threats caused by aquatic IAS through a mass communication campaign. Involve the public and different relevant stakeholders in IAS monitoring activities with appropriate training and information materials.


project The European LIFE- INVASQUA transfer knowledge is developed in Spain and Portugal. It is coordinated by the University of Murcia with the participation of eight additional partners: EFE verde (Agencia EFE), IUCN-Med, Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales-Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Sociedad Ibérica de Ictiología (SIBIC), Universidad de Navarra, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Universidad de Évora and Associaçao Portuguesa de Educaçao Ambiental (ASPEA).