Message from the Dean
A very cordial greeting to those who approach or join the School Ecclesiastical Philosophy of the University of Navarra.
On this website you can consult the plans of programs of study and all the relevant information to get an idea of the work that takes place at this School and, more broadly, at the University of Navarra.
School The Ecclesiastical Philosophy is the youngest of the University of Navarra, having been erected by the Holy See in 1988. However, it has been nourished from the beginning by the rich and already long tradition of the entire University of Navarre. Of course, this enrichment comes directly and in the first place from the Schools of Philosophy and Letters and Theology. The close relationship between our School and these two centres generates a very fruitful exchange of knowledge -professor and researcher-.
But it is no less important that this ecclesiastical centre is inserted in a university that brings together the entire spectrum of experimental and human sciences. This insertion allows the contact and dialogue between all fields of knowledge, making it easier for teachers and students to open up to global and profound horizons, necessary to understand the world in which we live.
The University of Navarra thus aims to realize the idea of a universal community of knowledge, relying on the valuable collections of its Library Services and making possible various interdisciplinary research projects. For the ecclesiastical sciences, this possibility is undoubtedly an invaluable asset, both intellectually and in terms of service. On the other hand, we are fortunate to have, in this university and particularly in our School, a high issue of foreign students and from various regions of Spain, which also enriches the coexistence and exchange of experiences and perspectives.
Welcome to Pamplona. It does not take long to experience the hospitality and welcome of the people of Navarre, and to enjoy a varied and humane city, whose green spaces and average size allow the necessary tranquility for a study with great use".
Dr. Santiago Collado
Dean of the School Ecclesiastic of Philosophy
More information
faces@unav.esUniversity Campus
31009 Pamplona, Spain
Tel: +34 948 425600 Ext. 802611