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The School Eclesiastica of Philosophy channels its research mainly through groups of research, in contact with researchers from other centers (such as the Schools of Philosophy and Letters, Theology or Sciences, and also the Institute for Culture and Society).

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The Spanish Philosophy and its projection in the contemporary world.

The research line on Spanish Philosophy aims to develop a deeper understanding of Hispanic thought at knowledge . In this way, it aims to help students at doctorate and licentiate degree to understand the cultural and intellectual keys to our intellectual history. For foreign students, their programs of study at the University of Navarra is a privileged opportunity to get to know not only language but also Spanish culture and thought.
For some years now, the School Eclesiastic Philosophy has been developing its research in this area in two fields:


Spanish philosophical thought during the 20th century was largely due to the reception of ideas forged in Europe (mainly France and Germany). Alongside unoriginal repetitions of the scholastic or modern Philosophy there are profound and original elaborations of philosophical thought. Furthermore, the Spanish Philosophy has been a channel of transmission to other Spanish-speaking countries, although it has also followed its own paths in Latin America.

In this sense, research has been carried out on the Philosophy of Xavier Zubiri, Ortega y Gasset, Manuel García Morente, Miguel de Unamuno, Julián Marías, González Arintero, among others; as well as more recent philosophers, such as Antonio Millán-Puelles, Leonardo Polo, Jesús García López, or Mariano Artigas. The research also includes philosophers in exile such as José Ferrater Mora, María Zambrano, Eduardo Nicol, José Gaos, etc.

In addition, work has also been carried out on research on Latin American philosophers of undoubted philosophical relevance: Octavio Nicolás Derisi, Ismael Quiles, Raúl Echauri, Agustín Basave Fernández del Valle, Julio Ramón Ribeyro, among others.

Within the history of the Spanish Philosophy , the University of Salamanca in the 16th century occupies a very important place. The works of the Dominican theologians Francisco de Vitoria, Domingo de Soto, Melchor Cano, Domingo Báñez, etc. are the fruit of the School of Salamanca. They dealt with far-reaching speculations in theodicy and metaphysics as well as in anthropology and Philosophy internship (Philosophy del derecho, Philosophy de la Economics, derecho internacional, etc.).

The work of the Salamancan theologians soon spread to the universities founded in America, and was the ferment for the emergence of philosophers as relevant as Francisco Suárez or Juan de santo Tomás. Moreover, the connection between Philosophy and theology, natural in Hispanic scholasticism, constitutes a suitable framework for the study of the relationship between reason and faith. 

The School Eclesiastica of Philosophy collaborates with the Line of Spanish Classical Thought of the University of Navarra, which for more than twenty years has been carrying out extensive research work in the form of the publication of numerous translations and monographs, as well as frequent international scientific meetings.