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24 | 10 | 2016

Journalists Olga Viza and Mari Carmen Izquierdo, speakers at the Sports and Society Forum

TextoMaría M. Orbegozo


19 | 10 | 2016

presentation of the Fencing Club of Navarre-University of Navarre

TextoMaría M. Orbegozo


17 | 10 | 2016

More than a hundred people take part in the University of Navarra Golf Tournament

TextoMaría M. Orbegozo


22 | 09 | 2016

The University hosts the Sports Day this Saturday, the 24th

TextoMaría M. Orbegozo

ImagenManuel Castells


06 | 06 | 2016

Beginning of the Federative National Soccer Coaching Course, Level 3

TextoMaría M. Orbegozo



administrative office Sports
Edificio sports center
Campus Universitario s/n

31009 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 425600
