Living through war, living through war: Eighty years after 1936
War chords
One of the most useful instruments in the process of disseminating ideas and building loyalty was music. Hymns and songs became, with great simplicity and effectiveness, transmitters of values, supported by the growing effectiveness of the radio, but also through the publishing of music and its dissemination by means of bands and various events in which the performance of music in accordance with the aims sought always played a major role.
Audio cassette "Documento Histórico". With the original voices of Franco, José Antonio, Alfonso XIII, Alcalá Zamora, etc. Solemn National Anthem, Cara al Sol, Oriamendi, Alabarderos March, Riego's Anthem, etc.
Score "Tercios de Nuestra Señora de Begoña y Ortiz de Zárate". (Lyrics by P. M. Gaviria and Music by V. Zubizarreta)
Score "Boinas Rojas". (M. Casado, L. Lerate and A.Sáenz). On the verso: lyrics of the "Marcha de Oriamendi".
Score "Himno Oficial de los Pelayos de España". (Music and lyrics by G. Bravo) On the verso: lyrics of the "Marcha de Oriamendi".
Score "Himno de las Margaritas". (Music by Luis Aramayona, lyrics by Baldomero Barón). On the verso: lyrics of the "Marcha de Oriamendi".
Score "Marcha triunfal del Requeté". (Music by Juan Arilla, lyrics by Mª Luisa Arilla). In verse: lyrics of the "Marcha de Oriamendi".
Score "El Valiente Requeté". (Music by Hilario Peral Guerrero and Emilio Guillén Pedemonti, lyrics by Emilio Guillén Pedemonti). On the verse: lyrics of the "Marcha de Oriamendi".
Lyrics of "Himne" (El Partit Valencianista d'Esquerra a la Columna Uribarry en testimoni ver de la més ferma i lleal identificació)
"A las Barricadas" (Hymn of the C.N.T.) (Adapted by J. Dotras Vila). Organising Committee of the Blood Hospitals and Day Care Centres of the Sindicato Único Regional de Peritos y Técnicos Industriales C.N.T.-A.I.T. de Valencia
"Children of the People" (Anarchist Hymn). Organising Committee of the Blood Hospitals and Day Care Centres of the Sindicato Único Regional de Peritos y Técnicos Industriales C.N.T.-A.I.T. de Valencia.