Living through war, living through war: Eighty years after 1936
The disasters of war
But in final, it is the consequences of war that weigh, in this case reflected in the materiality of destruction, in lives and properties, in monuments and humble houses, in the symbols of a barbarism so many times repeated.
Photograph of the ruins of the Alcázar of Toledo after having been dynamited by the Asturian miners.
Photograph of the arrival at Puebla station of the train carrying the mortal remains of two deceased in the Ciudad Real prison.
Photograph of the visit of Marshal Pétain to the ruins of the Alcazar of Toledo. On the verso stamp of Foto Rodriguez (Toledo)
Photograph of the visit of Marshal Pétain to the ruins of the Alcazar of Toledo. On the verso stamp of Foto Rodriguez (Toledo)
Photograph of the visit of Marshal Pétain to the ruins of the Alcazar of Toledo. On the verso stamp of Foto Rodriguez (Toledo)
Photograph of Castilblanco. The force enters the town which is submission without the slightest resistance. On the verso stamps of the 2nd Division of the General Staff and La Unión, Diario Gráfico, Sevilla.
Photograph of a collapsed bridge. It is part of the album that the photographers "Minuteros" of Madrid dedicated to J. Stalin and the Russian people on its 20th anniversary.
Photograph of the Infantado Palace in Guadalajara. It is part of the album that the photographers "Minuteros" of Madrid dedicated to J. Stalin and the Russian people on its XX anniversary.
Photograph of a group of people in front of the rubble of a house. It is part of the album that the photographers "Minuteros" of Madrid dedicated to J. Stalin and the Russian people on its 20th anniversary.
Photograph of a street with rubble. It is part of the album that the photographers "Minuteros" of Madrid dedicated to J. Stalin and the Russian people on its 20th anniversary.
Photograph of a destroyed tenement house, with the trunk of a tree standing in the rubble. It is part of the album that the photographers "Minuteros" of Madrid dedicated to J. Stalin and the Russian people on its 20th anniversary.
Photograph of a destroyed apartment house. It is part of the album that the photographers "Minuteros" of Madrid dedicated to J. Stalin and the Russian people on its 20th anniversary.
Photograph of a woman holding a small child and a baby in her arms, in front of her house, with all her belongings in the street. It is part of the album that the photographers "Minuteros" of Madrid dedicated to J. Stalin and the Russian people on its 20th anniversary.
Photograph of the interior of a hospital ward. It is part of the album that the photographers "Minuteros" of Madrid dedicated to J. Stalin and the Russian people on its 20th anniversary.