Living through war, living through war: Eighty years after 1936
Postponed and omnipresent: women
Despite being socially placed in the background, women played a major role in the war, as part of the effort to sustain a broken society. In one way or another, they assumed primary roles and thus showed their preeminent place.
Photograph of Margaritas de Salamanca in the workshop making Requeté shirts.
Photograph of Margaritas and Pelayos at the door of the barracks of the Tercio de la Merced at the reception of the Band of the Requeté de Navarra in 1936.
"Of interest to housewives". advertising of "Ana" Cod Flour, on sale at the Central Market of Valencia, Box 63.
Pasquín graduate "Young Workers!!!" of the Women's Secretariat of the Unified Socialist Youth.
Pasquín graduate "Juventudes Socialistas Unificadas. Radio Centro". Call for antifascist women to go to work in a workshop, which has been opened by the Unified Socialist Youth, to make clothes for the militiamen.