Daily sustenance
In an exceptional status such as that of the conflict that began in 1936, the most basic needs, including food, generated profound problems. Supplying, distributing shortages, controlling abuses of all kinds subject, making basic products accessible was a concern for the authorities and, above all, for individuals. Great efforts were devoted to the task of obtaining them, and to look at them is to perceive what a war meant.
Voucher for various food products issued by the committee de la Columna de Andalucía y Extremadura de Bujalance (Córdoba) for the Centuria "Adelante". committee de Milicias, Confederales de Andalucía, C.N.T., A.I.T.
Voucher for eight kilos of tomatoes and three dozen peppers for the members of the C.N.T., A.I.T. who are working at the service of the community in the farmhouse S. Fernando de Torresilla, Bujalance (Córdoba).
"Voucher for 12 pigs for today's slaughter". Signed by Ildefonso Coca, from the Agricultural Section of Bujalance (Córdoba).
"Vale por un saco de sal para el Cuartel General". committee de Milicias, Confederales de Andalucía, C.N.T., A.I.T. de Bujalance (Córdoba).
"Ración de Familias de 2 personas" in the name of Isidoro Rojas Díaz. committee Popular Supply
grade from Manuel Haro of committee de Abastos de Bujalance (Córdoba) in which he warns the bricklayers that they cannot be provided with their clothes until new goods come in as the ones available in the town have been exhausted.
Leaflet from committee National Control, C.N.T., U.G.T., requesting all organizations and entities to restrict and manage gasoline consumption.
Pasquín graduate "Comrade, Smoking My Paper (Collectivized Industry) Helps Your Comrades".
Voucher for 5 cents of Control Electro Harinero Panificador, U.G.T., Don Benito (Badajoz)