The intimacy of correspondence
Very limited speech by telephone or telegraph, the main transmitter of news and, above all, of mood s and confidences, was written correspondence, the letters that show us the intimacy of people without the limits that the public exhibition may impose. And although it is subject to strict rules, both rhetorically and formally, it is capable of showing facets that would hardly appear in any other way. From the great characters who confessed to their closest friends, to the outbursts of those who were brimming with confidence, to the heartbreak of those who knew the hour of their end.
Letter to Maria Alfonsa asking her how they are and if the food is arriving and indicating the address where she can write to her.
Letter from a condemned man saying goodbye to his wife, Antoni, and his children before his execution by firing squad in Barcelona.
Letter from a condemned man (Tomás) saying goodbye to his siblings Ángel and Lola before his execution by firing squad in Barcelona.
Sealed envelope addressed to Mr. Agustín Suares Rojas. 3rd Requeté of the third column of Commander Redondo. Córdoba
Letter from his father, addressed to Agustín Suares Rojas. 3rd Requeté of Commander Redondo's third column. Córdoba
Letter from Alberto Martín Artajo to Ángel Herrera Oria, commenting on the course of the war
Letter from Alejandro Lerroux to Cándido Casanueva in which he expresses his concern about the civil war and analyses some of its causes.
Notes in favour of national and Catholic Spain signed by Ernesto Giménez Caballero, Fray Justo Pérez de Urbel and Héctor Martínez Simancas after a meal at the Cándido restaurant in Segovia.
Photograph of two men: one of them is writing a letter, the other seems to be dictating it to him. It is part of the album that the photographers "Minuteros" of Madrid dedicated to J. Stalin and the Russian people on their 20th anniversary.