The ills of the body
Health in a status like that of the civil war had to show not only the capacity of those who assumed the difficult task of caring for the casualties in the combat fronts, but also that of caring for a civilian population weakened by the lack of food, sanitation, medicines, etc.
National Militia (Requeté). Book of entries and exits of wounded and sick requetés.
Pasquín graduate "The revolution will make sanitary science be used for all", National Federation of Sanitation, C.N.T, A.I.T.
Leaflet announcing the inauguration of the Nazareth Blood Hospital (Valencia) on Sunday, December 6. Speeches will be given by Félix Martí Ibáñez, director General of Health of Catalonia, and Federica Montseny, Minister of Health.
"Tercio del Pilar. Month of September. Stadillo on malarial patients".
Fabric bracelet "Provincial Health Inspectorate. Physician."
"Santiago Volunteers. Sanitary material in the 'Polvorín Civil' Position."
Alphabetical index of existing medicines in the medicine chest of the Requeté of Seville.
"Representation of the Spanish State in Lisbon. Supplies of sanitary material", from August 3, 1936 to January 12, 1937.
Photograph of a woman bandaging the head of a wounded man. In the background are numerous beds with more wounded. It is part of the album that the photographers "Minuteros" of Madrid dedicated to J. Stalin and the Russian people on its 20th anniversary.
Box of 40 tablets of "Fósforo Ferrero", high school Farmacológico Latino (Sevilla)
Calendar of Fronts and Hospitals of 1939
outline of the organization of Fronts and Hospitals (Bilbao)
card postcard of "Fronts and Hospitals. Attend and visit the wounded"
card postcard of "Fronts and Hospitals. Provides recreation to the combatant".
card postcard of "Fronts and Hospitals. Creates homes of the combatant".
Photograph of an improvised infirmary in the Metro Station of network de San Luis, Madrid, during the Civil War.