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13 | 01 | 2014

A non-coding RNA connects p53 to epigenetic regulation

TextoMª Pilar Huarte

ImagenManuel Castells

07 | 01 | 2014

The Mediterranean per diem expenses also prevents diabetes subject 2, according to the researchers of the Predimed study.

TextoLaura Latorre

ImagenUniversity of Navarra

07 | 01 | 2014

Conflicts of economic interests may bias scientific analyses in the association between sugar-sweetened beverages and obesity.

TextoLaura Latorre

ImagenManuel Castells

19 | 12 | 2013

A thesis analyzes the role of the press in the controversy of the confrontation of drug trafficking mafias in Mexico.

TextoIsabel Teixeira Da Mota

ImagenIsabel Teixeira Da Mota

18 | 12 | 2013

Stem cells to improve the approach to neurodegenerative diseases

TextoMª Pilar Huarte

ImagenManuel Castells



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