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Alcohol and mortality: not only how much but how

A study by the University of Navarra and CIBEROBN establishes an important link association between drinking alcohol in the traditional Mediterranean style and a reduction in mortality.

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Team of the project SUN of the University of Navarra.
PHOTO: Manuel Castells
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A glass of red wine.
PHOTO: University of Navarra
04/02/14 12:23 Laura Latorre

Alcohol consumption, so frequent in our environment, has been and is a recurrent and controversial topic in public health policies. This internship has been related to a decrease in mortality only and exclusively when it is consumed in moderate amounts (1-2 drinks in women, 3-4 in men). On the other hand, above these limits, the risk of death from various causes increases. However, alcohol consumption includes many other dimensions beyond the simple quantity of alcohol ingested.

In a prospective epidemiological study, recently published in the British Journal of Nutrition, researchers from the University of Navarra and CIBEROBN, led by Professor Miguel A. Martínez-González and Alfredo Gea, have been able to assess for the first time the influence of the entire patron saint global alcohol consumption in relation to mortality. Beyond how much, this answers the question of how to drink in a healthy way.

According to these results from the SUN cohort (University of Navarra Follow-up), the patron saint of traditional Mediterranean alcohol consumption is associated with a decrease in mortality. This patron saint of Mediterranean alcohol consumption, which was the most common among the Spanish population, has been displaced by binge drinking during the weekend, which is becoming more and more frequent, especially among young people.

40% reduction in mortality

The study, carried out on 18,394 participants followed for a period of more than 7 years average , shows that when alcohol consumption is adapted to the seven principles of traditional Mediterranean consumption, mortality is reduced by 40% compared to abstainers. The experts define these seven principles as: drinking in moderate quantities (up to 2 drinks per day in women and up to 4 in men); drinking spread throughout the week and avoiding concentrated consumption at weekends; preferring wine, preferably red wine; always consuming it with meals; avoiding the consumption of distilled beverages; and never drinking more than 5 drinks on any given day.

A total of 18,394 people participated in the study.

This protection goes beyond that obtained simply by moderate consumption. In contrast, when alcohol consumption moves away from this patron saint the risk of mortality doubles.

Therefore, the current recommendation for all those who drink alcohol is to enjoy it by following this patron saint if they do not want to seriously increase their risk of mortality. 



