The University of Navarra has an Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) implemented in 2006 for the programs of study of Degree and Master's Degree.
In the 2014/2015 academic year, coinciding with the first three years of the doctorate programmes regulated by Royal Decree 99/2011, of 28 January, which regulates the official teaching of doctorate, it was agreed to implement the IQAS for the doctorate programmes in the 2015/2016 academic year. To this end, the existing quality processes were adapted to the reality of doctorate, approving a model of satisfaction surveys and a specific results analysis template for these programs of study.
The doctoral program has a Academic Committee responsible for its academic direction and management . It is made up of the coordinator of the programme, the Associate Dean/Deputy Director manager of the third cycle in the centre and the corresponding Deputy Director of the School of doctorate. As a consequence of the University of Navarra's commitment to quality, its Centres must develop a series of procedures that ensure the review and continuous improvement of the degrees taught, and therefore establish an Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIC). It is the responsibility of the Academic Committee of the programme, and in particular of the Dean of the School of Sciences, to ensure that this quality assurance is carried out.
The body in charge of monitoring and guaranteeing the quality of the Official Degrees of Degree and postgraduate program of the School of Sciences of the University of Navarra is the Quality Assurance Committee (CGC) of the School, constituted and regulated by resolution of the board Directive of the School (22 November 2007), and which guarantees in its composition the presence of the different interest groups: professors, students of Degree and postgraduate, PAS, members of the Commission of assessment of the Quality and accreditation of the University of Navarra (CECA) and where, eventually, external agents may be included. The functions of the CGC are basically as follows:
- Coordinating the compilation of data, reports and any other information on the development of the official programs of study of Degree and postgraduate program.
- Promote and supervise the quality management system established.
- Coordinate the analysis and evaluation of the results obtained.
- Propose improvement plans to the programme's director for approval and contribute to their implementation.
- Coordinate the monitoring of the results and improvement actions undertaken.
The coordination of this Commission will be the responsibility of the coordinator/a of Quality, which will preferably be the Dean or a Associate Dean. The coordinator/a will be manager of:
- Ensure that the necessary processes are established, implemented and maintained for the development of the quality control standards of the School.
- Report to the programme's director on the performance of quality control standards and any need for improvement.
- Ensure that awareness of quality requirements by stakeholders is promoted.
The University of Navarra's Science School implemented its IQAS as part of the first edition of the AUDIT programme. This systematically covers the activities that the School carries out in order to enhance the quality and continuous improvement of all the official degrees (licentiate degree, Degree, Master's Degree and doctorate) and the services it offers. This IQAS was positively assessed by National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation on 14 November 2008.
The quality guide , as well as the detailed processes and the list of indicators are freely accessible via the quality webpage of the School Science.
The link for direct access to detailed IQAS information is: https://www.unav.edu/web/School-de-ciencias/conoce-la-School/Quality
Wenceslao González-Viñas
coordinator of the Programme
C/ Irunlarrea, 1
31008 Pamplona, Spain
+34 948 42 56 00