Investigacion_Proyectos_Percepción social del papel de los zoologicos

Projects and publicationsSocial perception of the role of zoos.

The operation of zoos requires an in-depth analysis of the functions they should perform in the opinion of citizens.

In the last three decades, zoos and aquariums have become the object of study of various scientific disciplines such as Ecology, Tourism, Geography, Architecture, Philosophy or Sociology. And the fact is that these places constitute a wide and varied niche of research , directly related to the multiple functions they perform today.

While at the end of the 19th century zoos and aquariums had an eminently recreational function, today they have four main functions: conservation, Education, research and recreation. However, due to the B increase since the 1990s of a social stance against any form of animal life in captivity, experts point out that zoos should be converted or, henceforth, conceived as centers for conservation and environmental Education . However, given that the main motivation for visitors to visit zoos is entertainment, a balance must be sought between the conservation functions and Education and the need to continue to satisfy the public's recreational expectations.

Diagnosis of the social perception of the role played by zoos and aquariums in Spain and Portugal.

In view of the above, it is clear that the various functions of zoos and aquariums are interrelated and that this relationship, which is complex per se, is also influenced by the public's perception of these facilities. Hence, one of the fields of research par excellence in relation to zoos is precisely that of social perception. The importance of this subject of programs of study lies in the fact that it reveals the real social sensitivity and demands, information that is essential to be able to act accordingly.

The topic of social perception is broad and complex, offering a multitude of possibilities for the research. A significant issue of these programs of study aims to know the opinion of zoo visitors about the animals that live in them, or about the functions that these infrastructures perform.

Diagnosis of the social perception of the role played by zoos and aquariums in Spain and Portugal.

In this context, the main goal of the study proposed here is to know and analyze the social perception (ideas, opinions, knowledge...) of citizens about the functions performed by zoos and aquariums in Spain and Portugal. To this end, a broad and integrating proposal has been designed, which is a novelty with respect to the research collected in the international academic literature.

This project is funded by Loro Parque Fundación (LPF).