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The University has a Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) whose goal is to continuously review and improve the degrees it offers. The SAIC includes the planning and design of the educational offer, the review and evaluation of its development and decision making for continuous improvement. The SAIC also contributes to compliance with the regulatory requirements for the verification, monitoring and accreditation of official degrees.

Each School has a Quality Assurance Committee, which is a body delegated by the board Board of Directors of each center for the development of the Internal Quality Assurance System of the Master's Degree.

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Official name of the degree scroll: Master's Degree University in programs of study Curatorial Studies

Branch of knowledge: Art, Humanities

Academic centre: Museo Universidad de Navarra

Orientation: Professional

issue of places offered: 30

Credits ECTS credit credit: 60

Theoretical and practical courses: All subjects of Master's Degree, including the so-called theoretical ones, make use of a methodology internship, through exercises, simulations and projects.

  • Curatorial Fundamentals and Curating Exhibitions and Projects modules: 44 ECTS credit credit theoretical and 4 ECTS credit credit practical.

  • module Prácticum and Final Projects Master's Degree: 8 ECTS credit credit of work Final Master's Degree and 4 ECTS credit credit practical.

Duration: 12 months 

Course: Face-to-face (the period of face-to-face classes takes place between October and May).

Languages: Spanish (C1) and English (B2)



The implementation of a new official degree scroll requires the submission of the corresponding application to committee of Universities. This is the beginning of the so-called verification process, which includes the assessment by National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation (National Agency for Quality assessment and accreditation) of the verification report , where the university describes the characteristics of degree scroll (Study program, access rules and Admissions Office, human resources, etc.).

After the verification process, the implementation of the degree scroll requires authorisation by the Autonomous Community, followed by its inclusion in the Registry of Universities Centers and Qualifications (RUCT).

Finally, the initial accreditation is subject to renewal every four years in the case of Master's degrees.

*Both the report verification and the reports issued in the different processes are linked below:

registration in the Register of Universities

 report official after Modifica (2MB)

report final verification National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation 13 March 2017 (85KB)

Resolution verifies committee Universities 11 May 2017 (133KB)

Resolution of the committee Ministers (BOE) 13 October 2017 (207KB)

Publication Study program (BOE) 17 November 2017 (164KB)

report Amends National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation 26 March 2018 (86KB)

report Follow-up National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation 4 December 2019 (285KB)

report final assessment for the renewal of accreditation National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation 26 February 2021 (857KB)

report National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation modification 2021


Members of the 2021 Commission:
Nieves Acedo
Lourdes Flamarique
María Ozcoidi
Sara del Moral
María Gallegos

Code of thea degree program Official name of degree program (RUCT) II.3 performance rate

II.4 success rate

II.5 assessment rate Population used
4316258 Master's Degree University Degree in programs of study de Comisariado / Curatorial Studies by the University of Navarra (2018/2019). (2018/9) 99,25%
100,00% 99,25% 100,00%
4316258 Master's Degree University Degree in programs of study of Curatorial Studies / Curatorial Studies by the University of Navarra (2019/2020).  100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00%
4316258 Master's Degree University Degree in programs of study of Curatorial Studies / Curatorial Studies by the University of Navarra (2020/2021).  96,88% 97,75% 99,11% 100,00%
4316258 Master's Degree University Degree in programs of study of Curatorial Studies / Curatorial Studies by the University of Navarra (2021/2022).  96,68% 98,18% 98,47% 100,00%
4316258 Master's Degree University Degree in programs of study of Curatorial Studies / Curatorial Studies by the University of Navarra (2022/2023). 100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00%

Master's Degree on-site

Dates/ Duration
The Master in Curatorial Studies starts in October and is divided into three modules.

Class timetable
Face-to-face classes: from October to May (first fortnight).
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays from 15.30 to 19.30 h. and Thursdays and Fridays from 10 to 14 h. h. 20 hours per week.

Place: classroom 1 of the University Museum of Navarre

Languages: Spanish and English

Opening of admissions period: October 1, 2021

No. of places available: 20

Scholarships and grants available: Scholarships and grants Master in Curatorial Studies

Go to rules and regulations of permanence of the University of Navarra.

The permanence of students in the official Degrees of Master's Degree of the University is limited to a period comprising the academic year or the academic years foreseen in the report of each Master's Degree, necessary for the completion of these programs of study.

However, once deadline has been used up, it may be extended by one more year for those students who have obtained the majority of the credits of Master's Degree, and who can justify not having been able to dedicate sufficient time to programs of study for sufficiently accredited reasons.

The extension must be requested, within the last year of the stay, by means of written request addressed to Office of the Executive Council of the University, which will decide after report of the management committee of the centre.

Where there are sufficient reasons and experience suggests it, schools may propose their own specifications to these standards to Office of the Executive Council .

Students with special educational needs or those studying at programs of study part-time , who cannot comply with these provisions, should consider each year their status before formalising the enrollment, in order to adapt it to their possibilities of dedication to study.

Studentsenrolled in master's degrees that have not been adapted to the European Higher EducationArea Education or that are the University's own degrees will be subject to the requirements for continued study applicable to these degrees programs of study.

According to the rules and regulations adapted to RD 861/2010 of 17.6.2011, there is a procedure to recognise credits and transfer them.

To this rules and regulations, the Master in Curatorial Studies, adds the following requirements:

Bearing in mind that the work and professional experience provided by student must provide the same competences as those acquired in the recognised subjects, only the following may be recognised for professional and work experience:

Curatorial traineeship (4 ECTS credit credit).
Accredited professional or work experience may be recognised in the form of credits which shall count towards the award of an official degree scroll , provided that such experience is related to the competences inherent to the said degree scroll. The documentation provided shall include, where appropriate, a contract, report of activities carried out and/or any other document that makes it possible to verify or demonstrate the experience claimed and its relation to the competences inherent to the degree scroll.
In order for the profile of the graduates to be the same, the subject experience required for the recognition of subject Curatorial traineeships will be as described below:

subjectInternships : Internships

subjectCuratorial internships (4 ECTS credit credit)

Specific competences: CE4, CE5, CE6, CE8, CE9, CE10, CE11, CE16, CE17

Justification: Duration: min. one year of experience.

Position: curator at a major cultural institution.

Official name of the degree scroll: Master's Degree University in programs of study Curatorial Studies

Branch of knowledge: Art, Humanities

Academic centre: Museo Universidad de Navarra

Orientation: Professional

issue of places offered: 20

Credits ECTS credit credit: 60

Theoretical and practical courses: All subjects of Master's Degree, including the so-called theoretical ones, make use of a methodology internship, through exercises, simulations and projects.

  • Curatorial Fundamentals and Curating Exhibitions and Projects modules: 44 ECTS credit credit theoretical and 4 ECTS credit credit practical.

  • module Prácticum and Final Projects Master's Degree: 8 ECTS credit credit of work Final Master's Degree and 4 ECTS credit credit practical.

Duration: 1 year (October to September)

Course: Face-to-face (the period of face-to-face classes takes place between October and May).

Languages: Spanish and English (B2)


The implementation of a new official degree scroll requires the submission of the corresponding application to committee of Universities. This is the beginning of the so-called verification process, which includes the assessment by National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation (National Agency for Quality assessment and accreditation) of the verification report , where the university describes the characteristics of degree scroll (Study program, access rules and Admissions Office, human resources, etc.).

After the verification process, the implementation of the degree scroll requires authorisation by the Autonomous Community, followed by its inclusion in the Registry of Universities Centers and Qualifications (RUCT).

Finally, the initial accreditation is subject to renewal every four years in the case of Master's degrees.

*Both the report verification and the reports issued in the different processes are linked below:

 registration in the Register of Universities

 report official after Modifica (2MB)

 report final verification National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation 13 March 2017 (85KB)

 Resolution verifies committee Universities 11 May 2017 (133KB)

 Resolution of the committee Ministers (BOE) 13 October 2017 (207KB)

 Publication Study program (BOE) 17 November 2017 (164KB)

 report Amends National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation 26 March 2018 (86KB)

 report Follow-up National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation 4 December 2019 (285KB)

 report final assessment for the renewal of accreditation National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation 26 February 2021 (877KB)

 Resolution accreditation committee Universities 11 March 2021

report National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation Modification of 9 May 2022

Approval of modification of MU programs of study of 3 June 2022

Commission members 24-25:
Nieves Acedo
Lourdes Flamarique
María Ozcoidi
Sara del Moral
Dunia Chaib

Members responsible for processes:
Nieves Acedo
Lourdes Flamarique
Maria Ozcoidi
Sara del Moral

Member of the SCI:
Cecilia Gonzalo