27 | 03 | 2017
LIII Philosophical Meetings: "Francisco Suárez: Scholasticism and the Modern World".
TextoNagore Gil
ImagenManuel Castells
22 | 03 | 2017
"Life on earth is possible because we are in an out-of-equilibrium system, we are a mind-bogglingly complex system".
TextoChus Cantalapiedra
ImagenChus Cantalapiedra
01 | 03 | 2017
"With advances in neuroscience, the question of what responsibilities parents have towards their unborn child has begun to be raised".
TextoChus Cantalapiedra
ImagenManuel Castells
17 | 02 | 2017
Msgr. Angelo Vincenzo Zani: "Scientific integrity is guaranteed by moral attitudes".
TextoChus Cantalapiedra
ImagenManuel Castells
30 | 01 | 2017
The University submission Silver Medal to 104 professionals
ImagenManuel Castells
19 | 01 | 2017
Is statistical demonstration scientific?
TextoChus Cantalapiedra
ImagenChus Cantalapiedra
22 | 12 | 2016
"Techno-optimism is not something new, it occurred in the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution before the 1990s."
TextoChus Cantalapiedra
ImagenElisabet Frauca
14 | 12 | 2016
The University of Navarra honors Mariano Artigas, founder of group 'Ciencia, Razón y Fe' (CRYF)
TextoChus Cantalapiedra
ImagenManuel Castells
12 | 12 | 2016
Death of Chancellor of the University
ImagenManuel Castells
16 | 11 | 2016
14 experts analyze the epistemological relationship between science and religion during a workshop
TextoChus Cantalapiedra
ImagenChus Cantalapiedra
Mª Jesús Cantalapiedra
Head of Communication of the Schools Ecclesiastics
mcantal@unav.esSchools Ecclesiastical, Campus University
31009 Pamplona, Spain
+34 948 42 56 00 ext. 802629