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Compass is a university guidance counselling and wellbeing service that offers support to students and their academic mentors. Personalized advice, tips and workshops: everything you need to make the most of university life.


The University of Navarra offers a holistic approach to student education by creating a space where study and work can be combined with a healthy lifestyle.  

The Guidance Counselling and Wellbeing Unit enacts this mission by offering advice, guidance and support that address situations in which students may experience difficulty. The Unit also provides resources for student self-care and personal growth, as well as training for professors who mentor students.

The Guidance Counselling and Wellbeing Unit is part of the Health and Wellbeing set out in the University's 2025 Strategy.


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Services for students and mentors


The unit comprises a multidisciplinary team of professionals working at the University, whose goal is to guide and support adaptation to university life, and enhance the academic performance, emotional stability and personal growth of all students.


1. Personalized guidance

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How we can help you

  • Emotion management
  • Stress and anxiety management
  • Affective relationships
  • Healthy lifestyle habits
  • Addictive behaviors
  • Diversity and disability awareness and care
  • Time management
  • Adaptation to university life


What we do not provide

  • Comprehensive personalized therapy
  • Psychological therapy
  • Medical or psychiatric treatment


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You can contact us for any questions at application or enquiry by phone at 699 39 34 02 or by e-mail at Also, in person from Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 14:00 and from 15:30 to 17:30 in the office S990 of Central Building.



Office S990 is located at Floor -1 of Central Building. These are the addresses.


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2. Training in self-care and wellbeing

Organization of group workshops (depending on demand, limited groups).

The workshops are training experiences for limited groups, with a practical and participative character, with learning, awareness or acquisition objectives skill. In principle, they will have a format of single 2-hour sessions, although some workshops will have feedback or follow-up sessions. Workshops may be repeated throughout the course so that more students can benefit from them.

Send suggestions for workshops to



Workshop topics


Workshop on Strategies for Effective Time Management management


  • Francesco De Lorenzi, psychologist spanish psychology residency program , Clínica Universidad de Navarra

  • María Jurado, pedagogue, Compass, Guidance and Wellness Unit

In the workshop we will work on useful tools for organization and management effective use of time, to increase performance and well-being. We propose to learn how to identify priorities and goals, establish plans to achieve objectives, and acquire effective routines. The aim is to improve academic performance, in a healthy and compatible way with the development of other aspects of life.

Workshop on management stress and wellness promotion


  • Arturo Lecumberri, psychologist, Clínica Universidad de Navarra

In the workshop we will learn to know a framework of emotional regulation, to know how to detect and manage individual stressors and regulators. It is about knowing oneself and getting into the internal dynamics that lead us to move away from emotional well-being and lose balance. There are no "magic pills" that eliminate discomfort: we learn to live with ourselves and to manage difficulties in an adaptive and healthy way.

Workshop on Healthy Lifestyle Habits


  • Ursula Paiva, PhD candidate School of Education and Psychology

  • Lourdes Giovanetti, psychologist spanish psychology residency program en Clínica Universidad de Navarra

Despite the proven evidence of the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, it is easy to get carried away by chaotic schedules, sedentary lifestyles, junk food and disordered eating. In this workshop we will jointly address physical exercise, nutrition and sleep, indicators and regulators of psychosomatic balance and pillars of a healthy life. We will discuss in an applied way different strategies for the acquisition of healthy habits, focusing on the positive impact on emotional well-being, with the perspective of focusing on a full life.

Workshop on Personality Strengthening and Resiliency


  • Luis Ángel Díaz Robredo, psychologist, School de Education y Psicología

This program will develop personality strengthening and resilience instructions around five factors of proven validity in mental health prevention: physical, emotional, social, family and spiritual variables. It will be divided into three sessions, and those interested must commit to attend each one. Register to confirm your place.

Sexual and gynecological health workshop for university students


  • María Aubá, gynecologist, Clínica Universidad de Navarra

  • Paula Fructos, spanish medical residency program in Psychiatry, Clínica Universidad de Navarra, Spain.

"My body is mine, my body is me. I want to take care of my sexuality and my relationships. I respect myself, I respect you, you respect me". In the workshop we will reflect on ways to live a healthy sexuality based on respect, scientific evidence, integrated in the person and developed in the harmony of relationships. It is about acquiring tools and speech to gain in security, confidence and leadership. "To make myself. I am a woman, I take care of myself".

Technology Awareness Workshop


  • Leyre San Martín, doctoral candidate School from Education and Psychology

  • Enrique Aubá, psychiatrist, Clínica Universidad de Navarra, Spain.

The goal of this workshop is to provide information, tools and ideas to develop a healthier relationship with our smartphone. It is an opportunity to reflect on the space it occupies in our lives and become aware of its impact on our daily activities. It is aimed at those people who want to acquire healthy habits and behaviors that allow them to take advantage of the opportunities of technology without losing control over devices and applications.

Workshop on Emotional Dependency and Toxic Relationships


  • Carolina Lupo, Institute for Culture and Society

  • Raquel Martín, psychologist, Clínica Universidad de Navarra

The need and desire that we all experience to establish healthy emotional bonds can sometimes confuse many and turn into real relationships of emotional dependence. This can happen between friends or in couple relationships. These dependencies cause a lot of damage to the people involved, sometimes even turning into toxic relationships, almost without realizing it. The causes are usually diverse and complex, and in many cases, it is the people around them who first notice this dependency. Through this workshop we will try to identify the possible causes, detect the signs of a dependent relationship and provide resources to get out of it.

Workshop on Substance Use and Abuse (Cannabis, Alcohol, Tobacco)


  • Sofia Neddermann, nurse, doctoral student School of Nursing

  • María Fernanda Parada, spanish medical residency program in Psychiatry, Clínica Universidad de Navarra, Spain.

Do you dare to put to test your knowledge about cannabis, alcohol and tobacco? In this workshop we will learn about the effects of the most widely consumed toxic substances among university students, to help us become aware of their risks and what we lose if we get into their use and abuse. Help yourself, financial aid to your classmates. Through an interactive game, participants will be able to discover which subject of consumption they have, the risks and its consequences.



Do you miss any topic? Let us know through this form.


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3. Complementary activities



Reconnect with oneself and with the world. Thinking for better living

 classroom 01 Friends Ed.    14:15 h. 


Speakers at the event:

- Arturo Lecumberri, CUN Psychologist, Compass/ Health and Wellness.

- Raquel Cascales, School of Architecture, Instituto Core Curriculum.

This session will analyze the mechanism by which humans make decisions automatically, without thinking, and how this process can influence the ability to deal with complex problems.

Through contemporary psychological programs of study , participants will understand the duality between fast and intuitive thinking versus slow and deliberate thinking.

With the guide of an expert psychologist, students will reflect on how their own automatic decisions can be shaped by cognitive biases and how these affect their daily interactions and problem solving in their academic environment and staff.



Speakers at the event:

- Deliacir Macher, School of Architecture - Museum.

- Carmen Basanta, School Education and Psychology.

This session will take place in the environment of the University of Navarra Museum. Here, participants will be immersed in a contemplative experience guided by an expert, where the goal is to disconnect from the daily noise and deepen the reflection staff in silence.

The workshop will foster the ability to be present in the moment, to observe without judgment and to reflect more deeply on our perceptions, emotions and thoughts. Also, the sharing of different visions will help to understand that differences are an enrichment rather than an obstacle in social coexistence.



Speakers at the event:

- Jordi Rodríguez Virgili, School de Comunicación.

- Francisco Javier Pérez Latre, School of Communication.

The third session will address the phenomenon of polarization in today's society and the importance of empathy in the dialogue between people with different opinions. Guided by an expert, participants will learn how misinformation and the role of the media contribute to polarization.

Through case studies, we will explore how to build bridges of understanding and mutual respect, fostering empathy for those who think differently. The session will provide tools for identifying and countering misinformation, as well as strategies for promote constructive dialogue in polarized environments.



Speakers at the event:

- Jordi Puig i Baguer, Biodiversity and Environment Institute, group de research at Humanities Ambientales.

- Ana Villarroya, Biodiversity and Environment Institute, group of research at Humanities Ambientales.

The human condition today is paradoxical. We seek the natural while at the same time there beats in the background an uprootedness, a distance from the earth. On the other hand, speed devours us, technology distracts us. We get lost, we dissolve. We find it difficult to relate, to think, to know ourselves. And it is precisely the return to nature that is one of the best ways to find ourselves, to reconnect.

This session aims to help us find in nature a human rootedness that we can cultivate. It proposes a way to bring together the natural and the human, which better discovers the value of both.




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4. Resources and guides

enquiry resources designed for you:


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Tips to learn how to manage stress



Keys to detect and address video game addiction

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Keys to detecting and dealing with pornography addiction



Behavioral addictions: video games, pornography, gambling, shopping...

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How to deal with anxiety?



A history of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in adults.

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Tips to learn how to manage time



Suicide. How to prevent it and help a person. Clínica Universidad de Navarra

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Emotional Wellness - Infinity Talks



And you... do you burn or work?

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Documentaries made by 4th year Journalism students for the prevention of addictions, "project Preadiction II" (course 2023-24).

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Dir.: Arantxa Alejandra García Maldonado

"Alba" is a documentary that chronicles the life of a 30-year-old woman, Alba (pseudonym), who at a very young age began using drugs. Through an intimate journey, we explore the crucial milestones that have led her to the present day. The documentary reflects the complexities of her life, marked by toxic relationships and consumption, which push her to a critical point. However, the narrative transforms into a powerful tale of overcoming and inner reconciliation. After much pain, this woman has her dawn.



Dir.: Amaia Molinero López

The experience of an anonymous alcoholic, who has not drunk for 12 years, is intermingled with the answers of five young people, between 19 and 21 years old, who respond to various questions about how they see their own alcohol consumption and that of society. The course of the documentary makes us reflect on the consumption of an addictive substance that is becoming more and more accepted among the population.



Dir.: Paula Arizcuren Monreal

Marijose started drinking at the age of 14. Seven years ago she put an end to almost four decades of addiction to alcohol. She began to consume it because it was common in her home, and it accompanied her for almost forty decades. She went out partying with him, started working and made him quit. She also started a family. She was aware that she had to treat her alcoholism. She tried many ways. Psychology, psychiatry, retreat houses.... In one of these attempts she came across the method of Alcoholics Anonymous. As she says, her method. Marijose's story staff , together with the testimony of psychologist Úrsula Paiva, helps us to understand what it is like to live alcoholism in first person, as well as the role played by the social environment and the media.

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Dir.: Aitana Hernández Marín

Mom, I want a vaper is a documentary that reflects the increasing consumption of vapers in society. The electronic cigarette is an attractive product; you can choose color, size, design and even flavor... The keys to its success? Experts point to advertising campaigns and its diffusion on social networks. But what effects do these "poisoned gifts" have on health? With the support of scientific and legal results, this documentary seeks to raise awareness of the harmful effects produced by the consumption of this product in the face of the lack of knowledge that prevails among the population.



Dir: Irene Ortíz Palomo

What is one day a drink with friends can become that which destroys an entire life. The Last Drink follows Elena's story through addiction and recovery. It is a story that defies the stigmas of alcoholism and reveals Elena's struggle, highlighting the unwavering will necessary for recovery. This documentary also unravels the reality of the disease, showing how it can happen to anyone. The story of The last drinkcomposed of intimate testimonies collected in Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, portrays alcoholism without masks, underlining that the only cure lies in the iron will of those who face the dark reality of addiction. 




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Maria Jurado

Pedagogue, scholarship PIE


Carolina Lupo

Carolina Lupo

Psychopedagogist, researcher Institute for Culture and Society

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Luis Ángel Díaz Robredo

Luis Ángel Díaz

Psychologist, Professor, University of Navarra


Leyre San Martín

Psychologist, doctoral candidate at department of Psychology.

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Ursula Paiva Vargas

Ursula Paiva Vargas

Psychologist, doctoral candidate in mental health 


Campus Madrid
Carmen Laspra

Psychologist, Clínica Universidad de Navarra

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Arturo Lecumberri

Campus San Sebastian
Arturo Lecumberri

Psychologist, Clínica Universidad de Navarra




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Publicador de contenidos


13 | 03 | 2025

University students and mentors reconnect with nature



21 | 02 | 2025

"We must make ourselves trustworthy, people who know what they are talking about, who do things right and who make others aware in the relationship."



29 | 01 | 2025

"Think better to live better. Connect with the world to connect with oneself."



21 | 01 | 2025

Cinema, emotions and wellness: the University's Counseling and Wellness Unit organizes the 1st Blue COMPASS Day

ImagenManuel Castells


15 | 11 | 2024

Raquel Cascales, philosopher: "Am I doing what I want to do to become what I want to be?"
