degree scroll official
240 credits
4 years
Spanish and English
60 places
School of Education and Psychology
Strong training on the development integral human
The students of Degree in Education acquire a broad theoretical training and internship, with more than 500 hours of practice, which prepares them to work in any field of Education and training.
Upcoming events

27 mar. 2025
UNAV in Sao Paulo
27 mar. 2025
6:30 p.m.
UNAV in Sao Paulo
01 abr. 2025
UNAV in Porto Alegre
We train experts in Education capable of researching, diagnosing, designing, planning, innovating and intervening in diverse contexts and educational processes and training. We also seek to develop in our students an open and supportive mentality, as well as to instill in them an eagerness for inquiry, the Education of character, inclusion, creativity, and to foster a spirit of service and critical thinking.
Double Degree
Education + Primary Teaching
Our graduates, in only 5 years, become teachers and experts in guidance tasks and other educational activities, through the development of tools and specific knowledge for the attention with children in primary and infant school.
Double Degree
Education + Early Childhood Teaching
In 5 years you can obtain this double degree program with a broad, complete and flexible preparation. You will be able to face, both in and outside the classroom , the educational challenges posed by today's society.
Diploma from Education International IB
To be professor in more than 5000 centers in 150 countries. The practicum will be carried out in accredited educational centers and their TFG related to the approach of the PEP program.
certificate Global Pathway
development of social awareness, sustainability and equality. The areas of focus are: citizenship, service-learning, solidarity, inclusion partner-educational, community pedagogy, Education environmental, international outreach and multilingualism.
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From the 2nd year, students take aptitude psychoprofessional tests that help them diagnose their profile competencies: work teamwork, leadership, skill communication, problem solving, decision making, etc. From the 3rd year onwards, they can take subjects aimed at strengthening the most interesting skills for their professional development .
The School offers the possibility of doing the Practicum International: both educators and teachers have the possibility of doing their practicum outside Spain.
Diversity of teaching methodologies that combine theory and internship focused on developing students' professional competencies.

We offer you:
The students of this Degree finish their programs of study trained to work in HR companies, coaching, social pedagogy, social services, NGOs, socio-educational associations, special attention, psychopedagogy, centers, publishing companies, administration...
Let nothing hold you back from your future

From the beginning of the University of Navarra, we have worked to ensure that no student with the ability to study with us is left without fulfilling his or her dream for financial reasons.
Program in Innovation & Entrepreneurship
The first university Entrepreneurship program that blends in seamlessly with your degree program