China, Russia and Iran have increased their relationship with needier Latin America due to Covid, which has also provided an opportunity for organized crime.

► Nicolás Maduro Guerra, after getting the Sputnik V vaccine, with the Russian ambassador in Caracas, in December 2020 [Russian Embassy].
report SRA 2021 / executive summary [PDF version] [PDF version].
MAY 2021-The serious health and economic crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic has accentuated Latin America's vulnerabilities, also in terms of regional security. On the one hand, it has increased dependence on external powers, whose influence has grown through the shipment of vaccines (China and Russia) or gasoline and food (Iran). On the other hand, it has reduced the means for states to combat organized crime, which has made some strategic moves, such as the consolidation of Paraguay as an important focus of drug trafficking. Although the status prolonged confinement has made it possible to reduce the homicide issue in some places, as in the case of Colombia, the deterioration of regional stability has led the United States to pay greater attention to the rest of the Western Hemisphere, with a clear warning given by the U.S. Southern Command.
The needs imposed by Covid-19 around the globe have made some safety requirements more pressing in certain countries. With international trade disrupted by movement limitations, China's food security has pushed its long-distance fishing fleets to adopt more aggressive behavior. Although a growing influx of Chinese fishermen has been detected in the waters off South America for some years now, in 2020 the status took a qualitative leap. The presence of more than 500 vessels raised concerns about the continuous evasion of radars, the use of non-permitted extraction systems and the disobedience of coastguards. The governments of Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru issued a joint statement calling for the supervision of an activity that Beijing refuses to submit to international inspection. The intimidation is reminiscent of the use of Chinese fishermen as a "shock force" in the South China Sea, although here the goal is not to gain sovereignty, but to gain fishing space. Washington has expressed concern about China's activity both around the Galapagos and in the South Atlantic.
The pandemic has been a propitious occasion for the consolidation of penetration in Latin America by China and, to a lesser extent, Russia. Thanks to "vaccine diplomacy", Beijing is now a fully global partner : not only in terms of trade and loans for infrastructure, but also on a par with the United States and Europe in terms of pharmaceutical excellence and health care provider . While it is true that Latin America is getting more "Western" vaccines - only Peru, Chile and Argentina have contracted more Chinese and Russian doses - the export of injectables from China and Russia has increased its influence in the region. Huawei has managed to enter the 5G tender in Brazil in exchange for vaccines, and Beijing has offered them to Paraguay if it abandons its recognition of Taiwan. In addition to clinical trials in several Latin American nations in the second half of 2020, Argentina and Mexico will produce or package Sputnik V starting in June.
The worsening of the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela throughout 2020, on the other hand, made it easier for Iran to strengthen its ties with the regime of Nicolás Maduro, resuming a special relationship already in place during the presidencies of Chávez and Ahmadinejad. With no more credits from China or Russia, Venezuela looked to the Iranians to try to reactivate the country's paralyzed refineries. With no particular success in that endeavor, Iran ended up becoming a supplier of more than 5 million barrels of gasoline through cargo ships; it also delivered food to supply a supermarket opened by the Iranians in Caracas. With oil production at a minimum, Maduro paid for Tehran's services with shipments of gold, worth at least 500 million dollars.
All this activity of extra-hemispheric powers in the region is pointed out by the US Southern Command, the US military structure in charge of Latin America and the Caribbean, as a cause of serious concern for Washington. In his annual appearances before congress, the head of SouthCom has progressively raised the Degree Threat. In his last appearance, at the beginning of 2021, Admiral Craig Faller was particularly alarming about China's advance in the region: he referred to the controversy over Chinese fishermen - their alleged invasion of exclusive economic zones and illegal activity - and to the $1 billion credit announced by Beijing for financial aid in sanitary material against Covid-19. Faller said that the US "is losing its positional advantage" and called for "immediate action to reverse this trend".
Another of Washington's concerns relates to transnational crime, specifically that perpetrated by Latino gangs in the United States. In the last year, US federal prosecutors have for the first time brought charges against members of the Mara Salvatrucha for crimes against national security. The US continues to classify the gangs as a criminal organization, not a terrorist group , but in charges filed in July 2020 and January 2021 against the MS-13 leadership imprisoned in El Salvador, it has moved to consider some of its leaders as terrorists. The department Justice considers the connection between the decisions taken in Salvadoran prisons and crimes committed in the United States to be proven. In the last five years, US courts have convicted 504 gang members, 73 of whom received life sentences.
In terms of citizen security, the prolonged confinements for Covid-19 have allowed for a slight reduction in violence figures in some countries, especially in the first half of 2020. In the case of Colombia, this temporary effect was combined with the trend to leave the homicide issue that has been observed in the country since the beginning of the negotiations for the peace process in 2012, so that the 2020 figures represented a historic low, with a rate of 24.3 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants, the leave since 1975. Several programs of study consider that there is a link between the demobilization of the FARC and the consistent drop in the level of violence that the country is experiencing. This is a positive development that is overshadowed by the murder of social leaders and former guerrillas, which at the beginning of 2021 had already reached more than 1,000 since the signature of the peace agreement in 2016.
The drug trafficking chapter has seen two notable developments in the last year. One is the increase in "trials" of coca cultivation in Honduras and Guatemala, which were previously only transit countries for cocaine. Both are consolidating their beginnings as producer countries, which is an important qualitative leap despite the fact that production is still very limited. After cocaine processing laboratories were located in both countries, the first plantations were discovered in 2017 in Honduras and in 2018 in Guatemala; since then, more than 100 hectares of coca bush have been detected, a very small number for the time being. Throughout 2020, Honduras eradicated 40 hectares of cultivation and Guatemala 19. Part of this own production infrastructure came to light in the trial held in the US against Tony Hernandez, brother of the president of Honduras, who in March 2021 was sentenced to life imprisonment.
For its part, Paraguay is on the rise on the drug trafficking map, as South America's biggest marijuana producer and a distributor of cocaine from Peru and Bolivia. Most of the marijuana cultivation takes place around Pedro Juan Caballero, near the border with Brazil, which is the country's criminal center. The plantations reach some 8,000 hectares, with production reaching 30,000 tons, of which 77% goes to Brazil and 20% to Argentina. At the beginning of 2021, more than 30 tons of cocaine shipped from Paraguay were located in northern European ports, making it a decisive "hub" for the distribution of this drug.