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Aplicaciones anidadas

Bachillerato en Ciencias Religiosas

high school diploma in Religious Studies

180 ECTS credit distributed over three academic years.

The high school diploma in Religious Sciences has canonical validity. At fill in after three years, the Spanish Episcopal lecture issues the Ecclesiastical Declaration of Academic skill (DECA) which, together with a civil licentiate degree / Degree, qualifies academically to be a teacher of Religion in Education Compulsory Secondary Education, high school diploma and training Professional.

In order to be able to effectively teach religion, one also needs the D.E.I. (Ecclesiastical Declaration of Suitability), which is granted by the diocesan bishop, assessing the doctrinal and moral suitability of the future teacher to carry out this task.

In order to obtain civil recognition in Spain (Degree) of the degree of high school diploma in Religious Sciences requires the successful completion by student of a new course of 60 ECTS credit, in addition to the three courses necessary to obtain the ecclesiastical degree of high school diploma in Religious Sciences (180 ECTS credit), called Complementary Course.

Más información

Asignaturas Bachillerato en Ciencias Religiosas


Jornadas Presenciales Bachillerato en Ciencias Religiosas

conference face-to-face

Students of the high school diploma in Religious Sciences have to participate in a course in which classes will be given in the subjects of academic year in which they are enrolled. In addition, methodological guidelines will be given for the study staff.

In the present academic year 2024-25 the course will be held on November 8 and 9. 


The students of the high school diploma in Religious Sciences are required to participate in the annual Theological-Didactic workshop in Madrid.

In the present academic year 2024-25, it will take place on February 28. 

Prueba de grado Bachillerato en Ciencias Religiosas

Test of Degree

Students who have passed all the subjects of the first three years can sit the "test de Degree" on the dates determined for each year by the management committee of the Institute.

The test will consist of a oral examination, held before an examining board, on the corresponding syllabus. This syllabus (which can be found in appendix 2 of the General Information Guide for this academic year) consists of 35 SUBJECTS covering the whole of the studies undertaken. The topic is chosen by drawing lots, two topics are drawn at random from the syllabus, from which the student chooses one. He/she has 20 minutes to prepare a written oral presentation of that topic.

The student will have about 20 minutes for the presentation of topic to the examining board. The examining board will ask any questions it deems necessary about the content of the topic and its presentation. (Together with this test of Degree and before the same examining board, the student will defend the Work of Degree).

The court will rate "Pass" or "not Pass".

Once all the students have completed the oral test and received their final grade of high school diplomaThe final grade of the final exam will be given, they will have to make the Profession of Faith.

apply forAt the end of your studies, you can obtain a certificate of the complete academic transcript with all grades for a fee of € 25,00 upon request.

It is necessary to notify administrative officethat you wish to take the exam at least 15 days before the chosen date, in order to organise the selection boards. Once you have given notice, you cannot cancel the exam and therefore the exam will be cancelled.

Before the test of Degree it is necessary to make the enrollment in administrative office and pay the fees of registration that during the course 2024-2025 will be 329,50 €. Once you have passed the test of Degree you can request the degree scroll of high school diploma by paying 220,00 €, together with a photocopy of National Identity Card.

The official dates for this exam are

  • May 30, 2025. 

  • June 30, 2025.

Idioma Moderno Bachillerato en Ciencias Religiosas

language modern

The student should acquire the knowledge of a modern language , in addition to their own, throughout their academic studies.

The knowledge of this language (to be chosen from any of the modern languages) must enable student to be able to understand texts in that language.

The knowledge of the modern language will be accredited either by a certificate of a recognised institute of modern languages or by an academic test of the ISCR itself, which will consist of the translation of texts.

Convalidaciones Bachillerato en Ciencias Religiosas


The validation of previous studies is done by means of an application to the written request addressed to President of the University. This application must be accompanied by the certificates of the university studies completed, with the qualification, credits and syllabus of the subjects to be validated validate qualification.

Admision Bachillerato en Ciencias Religiosas


  • In order to begin the studies corresponding to the high school program in Religious Sciences or the Programme of Pedagogy and Didactics of Religion, it is necessary to have C 2nd of high school diploma Logse and accredit having passed the University Entrance Exams (university entrance exam) or other equivalent studies that allow access to the Spanish University, or having passed the exams that are established in the case of those over 25, 40 or 45 years of age without sufficient qualifications.

  • Residence in Spain

  • Prior personal interview with a member of the Board.

  • Take the corresponding classroom course.

Candidates for the high school diploma in Religious Studies (3 courses, 180 ECTS credit):

  • The certificates required for students of the high school diploma in Religious Studies and certificate of studies in which the marks obtained in each of the subjects that make up the course of study are expressly stated. high school diploma.

  • * Admission is granted on the basis of academic record, the results of possible entrance examinations and additional data (aptitudes, geographical origin, age, etc.), which enable a fair order of priority to be established among applicants.

    * Every year, in January or February, the University of Navarra organises a test for access to the University for people over 25 years of age without sufficient qualifications; prospective students from School of Theology and from the Higher Institutes of Religious Sciences can apply for this test .

Candidates for a licentiate degree in Religious Studies (2 courses, 120 ECTS credit):

  • Admission to the Institute must be applied for using the forms provided for this purpose at the ISCR Secretariat or by downloading them in PDF format from this website. The forms, duly completed, should be sent to the Secretariat (before 20 August), together with the following documents:

  • Copy of the card that accredits having passed the University entrance exams ("university entrance exam") or another qualification that allows access to the University, or having C the test for over 25, 40 or 45 year olds without sufficient qualifications.

  • Photocopy of the National Identity Card

  • Two photographs

  • certified photocopy of the title of licentiate degree or the title of Degree (necessary to obtain the DECA).

  • certificate to be completed by the diocesan authority of applicant (Vicar General, Diocesan Delegate for Education or catechesis) or other equivalent ecclesiastical authority. PDF

Students admitted to the ISCR from other Centres, who have taken programs of studythat correspond, in whole or in part, to the curriculumof programs of studyof high school, may validate the programs of studytaken in agreementin accordance with the general canonical regulations and the Statutes. They will have to apply forthe validation to the Presidentof the University in the forms that are facilitated in the administrative officeof the high school, attaching to this applicationthe certificateof programs of studywith its gradeand the program of the studied subjects that they wish to validate qualification.

matrÍcula Bachillerato en Ciencias Religiosas


The enrollment will only be formalised once in each academic year and course and once it has been formalised it is irrevocable. However, a period of fifteen days from the date of formalisation is granted to those students who believe they have the right to make a complaint or change their enrolment. The Withdrawal to the enrollment does not entail the refund of the registration fees or to repeat it with a different character or content.

After joining the ISCR, the status of student is lost if one academic year elapses without renewing enrollment.

The regular school year begins on September 18 and ends on May 11.


  • Enrollment period

The deadline ordinary enrollment ends on 31 August.

If you live outside Pamplona, you can send the form by e-mail:

After the dates indicated, enrollment cannot be formalised except for justified reasons.

  • Documentation

The following documentation must be sent by e-mail (

  • Form to be completed by new students joining the ISCR for the first time. (PDF).

  • Copy of the National Identity Card

  • Photograph in jpg format

  • Copy of the university degree scroll

  • certificate Eclesial(PDF).

The fees specified here correspond only to the costs of subject academic fees; they do not include the costs of accommodation, books, etc. 


  • 59,91 each ECTS credit
  • The secretariat fee is €95.

Admission lapses if enrollment is not formalised in the academic year for which it was granted. 

Exemptions or allowances

The exemptions or reductions established in favour of certain situations must necessarily be accredited at the time of formalising the enrollment, by presenting the appropriate document:

  • Large families: scanned large family card. Expired cards will not be accepted. large family 1st categ. -8%. large family 2nd category. -16%.

  • enrollment of Honour in the 2nd year of the high school diploma certificate that accredits this qualification. A 16% discount is applied.

  • enrollment of Honour in any of the subject courses taken at ISCR. A 16% discount applies.

Issuance of diplomas

The fee for the issue of the diploma of high school diploma or graduate amounts to:

  • 220 euros students
  • 220 euros Alumni members
  • 210 euros large family 1st category
  • 210 euros large family2nd category

Instructions for payment by bank transfer:

  • Choose one of the University's bank accounts:

    • La Caixa / Caixabank

    • Santander Bank
      SWIFT: BSCHESMM (place del Castillo, 39, Pamplona main office

  • This code must always be indicated in the CONCEPT of the transfer:

    • TRM / National Identity Card or Passport / Name and surname of student.
      Example: TRM / 72697202Z /Ana Cía García
      It is core topic the National Identity Card or Passport with no errors.

  • The TRANSFER AMOUNT must be exactly the same as the one registered in management Academic. If this is not the case, the payment cannot be assigned correctly.

    • Implications:

      • a. To pay in two transfers, two separate transactions must be registered at management Academic, each for the amount of the transfer to be made.

      • b. To pay for two students (two siblings, for example), two transfers must be made, according to the amounts indicated for this form of payment in GA.

      • c. Partial cancellations of this form of payment should not be made in GA: if a different amount is to be paid than the registered amount, the total amount should be cancelled and a new one created for the actual amount to be paid by the student.

      • d. To pay a deferred receipt in N transfers, N receipts must be created in GA, each one for the amount to be paid, even if they are for the same due date.

  • During the self-enrollment period the student must upload the certificate OF THE TRANSFER to portal miUNAV. Outside this period the certificate should be sent to