Diploma from specialization at Philosophy, Science & Religion
The programs of study have as goal to acquire a knowledge of the essential elements of the Philosophy and of the History of the Philosophy, with an open perspective on the Christian faith, and with special emphasis on the questions of science, reason and faith, so present in today's world.
Contemporary culture poses the challenge of searching for the meaning of the world, of human beings and of history. It is essential to base - as far as possible - the knowledge of God and Revelation on rational arguments, in order to find answers to the questions that arise in the current cultural panorama.
These programs of study lead to the obtaining of a degree scroll of the University of Navarra, which is governed by the Organic Law of Universities 2/2023. Therefore, it does not correspond to any of the academic Degrees that are conferred according to the current ecclesiastical legislation.
DURATION OF THE programs of study: The student will have 3 courses to complete the 12 subjects. It may be extended to one more year in duly justified cases, with the approval of the ISCR Board of Directors board .
SUPPORT FROM TUTOR staff . Students will be accompanied by a tutor who will guide them throughout the course, guide them and provide support for any queries they may have, both by telephone and email.
OBTAINING THE certificate: approve the subjects (only requirement)
Online methodology. The Diploma has a flexible study and work method, which adapts to the time needs of each student, based on continuous assessment (activities such as tests, exercises, online classes, etc.) and the onlinefinal examination .
Prof. Sergio Sánchez-Migallón.
This is a first contact with philosophy, it tries to show the different ways of answering the great questions about the origin, destiny and the meaning and sense of reality. The concept of philosophy, its characteristics, the division of philosophical disciplines and, finally, its relationship with other sciences are studied in detail.
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Profª. María Ujué Moreno.
Scientific activity is a way of approaching nature, a way of questioning the universe. As there are different realities, there are also different questions within the great question of the truth of what there is. This subject offers an overview of the main approaches to multiform reality: the most significant sciences, with their questions, limits and challenges.
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Prof. Juan Fernando Sellés
Anthropology, which began as a science at the beginning of the 21st century, has been in vogue especially at the end of that century, and continues to be so at the beginning of the 21st century, to the extent that it has become the discipline queen of philosophy. And that is very pertinent, because it really should be. However, the most common anthropological approaches are too much focused either on the human body (physical anthropology, if not naturalism, biologism, etc.), or on the cultural aspects that man produces or can produce (cultural anthropology), or on the soul and its powers (rational or philosophical anthropology), but not on the person (this anthropology can be called transcendental). In this subject we review the various corporeal aspects of human nature, the immaterial ones, the various human ethical and artistic manifestations and we end with an access to personal intimacy.
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Prof. Juan Fernando Sellés
If we look at the History of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, we immediately discover that there are four philosophers who are like great summits, two of them are Greek, Plato and Aristotle, and two of them, superior to the preceding ones, are Christians, St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas. A look at these four gives us a very good idea of what the history of philosophy has been like in these two periods.
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Prof. Enrique Moros.
This subject presents to student a sufficiently rich and complete outline of the themes that western philosophy has developed over the centuries and their internal articulation. The study and evaluation of each of the themes has as its goal purpose to provide the student with the intimate familiarity with the questions, problems and solutions that wisdom, as it has been exercised by the concrete intellectual life of the great masters of history, can provide.
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Prof. D. Sergio Sánchez-Migallón
Ethics is the philosophical reflection on the set of truths or evidences necessary to live morally, in a humanly dignified way. Truths which, by the way, we already possess in a latent way. In this way, ethics strives to illuminate - to illuminate and at the same time bring to light - these truths in their own right, originally stimulating the study of the whole of philosophy and openness to any revelation.
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Prof. Enrique Moros
Natural theology in the context of philosophical knowledge and human life. The need to demonstrate the existence of God. The possibility of demonstration in the face of agnosticism and atheism. Analysis of the demonstrations of the existence of God: ontological argument, the five ways and moral arguments. Analysis of our language about God: positive theology and negative theology. The divine essence. Demonstration of the divine entitative attributes. Analysis of divine action. God and evil.
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Prof. Rubén Herce
Philosophy of science reflects on scientific activity. It tries to explain why science works, what does it mean to discover or experiment, what subject of truth does the scientific knowledge provide, what are the ethical implications and the values that scientific activity promotes. This course aims to provide a first answer to these questions.
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Prof. Santiago Collado
Questions where theology, philosophy and the empirical sciences converge are of great social and cultural relevance today. These questions of "science, reason and faith", as they are commonly called, cover fields of reflection and study such as the following: the origin of the universe, the origin and evolution of life, the origin of the human being, the relationship between nature and person, the complexity and purpose in the natural world, or the way in which science and religion can be said to have to do with truth.
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Prof. Juan Fernando Sellés
The subject of Gnoseology (from the Greek gnosis, meaning knowledge) or Philosophy of knowledge aims to investigate radically and rigorously what it means to know, and what is the scope and validity of the human knowledge . From the very origins of philosophical thought, philosophers have implicitly posed the problem of the value of their conceptions of reality and of the relationship between knowledge and things. From very early on, philosophical enquiry has progressively shown that it was not possible to separate the study of reality from the study of the method by which it is accessed: this is precisely one of the characteristics that make philosophy a scientific business .
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Prof. Juan Fernando Sellés
Modern philosophy is usually considered to go from Descartes to Hegel, and contemporary philosophy from the latter to the present day. The latter for a very simple reason: almost all post-Hegelians are anti-Hegelians. However, modern philosophy has its precedents in the 14th century. Moreover, not all post-Hegelian thinkers have been influenced by the great idealist. In this course we will focus on some of the most relevant figures of these periods.
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Prof. D. Francisco Gallardo
The subject studies religion from a perspective that integrates the particular aspects considered by the sciences of religion. Starting with a phenomenological analysis of religious experience, the philosophical question of religion is addressed. This is followed by a critical examination of reductionist views of religion and concludes with a philosophical study of the diversity of religions.
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Admission and enrollment
University degree
National Identity Card (double-sided) or color passport
Color passport-size photograph
The enrollment is made by academic year according to the subjects enrolled in both semesters (September and January). The enrollment can be adapted to the subjects considered, according to their real availability for study, by each academic year.
The price of each subject is calculated according to the number of ECTS credit:
- Price of the credit : 59,91€ / 1ECTS
fees annual fees of administrative office: 25 Euros
March 1 begins the 2024-25 school year admission
Virginia Minondo
iscr@unav.esSchools Ecclesiastical Building
31009 Pamplona, Spain
+34 948 42 57 16