Welcome to the ISCR
Welcome to the high school Superior of Religious Sciences of the University of Navarra.
I think that the hope of all of us who make up the high school can be summed up in offering a quality Christian training . Aware of the urgent need that the world has for the light and salt of Jesus Christ to satisfy the yearnings of the hearts of so many men and women of our time, the high school stimulates, through its official programs of study , courses and publications, the development of an authentic and well-founded Christian life, which translates into works and initiatives of service to the Church and to humanity.
A solid Christian training is absolutely necessary today in order to carry the Christian message to the furthest corners of our society, in the family and in the professional work , in the school Education and on catechesis.
We want to make the Catholic faith and doctrine known in depth, well explained and well-founded, in union with the Pope and the whole Church, in fidelity to his Magisterium. We seek to find answers to the questions and doubts that today's world raises, in a frank and open dialogue with contemporary culture. At final, we would like to contribute to the new evangelisation.
The ISCR of the University of Navarra depends on the School of Theology and was erected by the Holy See in 1997. The academic degrees it currently offers are canonically valid: high school diploma (180 ECTS credit) and licentiate degree in Religious Sciences (300 ECTS credit). These degrees have, in turn, civil recognition: Degree in Religious Sciences (with 240 ECTS credit) and Master in Religious Sciences with specialization program in Marriage and Family (300 ECTS credit).
Most of the ISCR students, coming from all Spanish regions, are professionals with a university degree degree program who make their work and their family life compatible with these programs of study. In many cases, professionals from the world of educational come here to obtain the DECA, training academic qualification to become teachers of religion in Secondary Education, and high school diploma. They study their programs of study in a system that combines face-to-face classes, advice staff from teachers and study staff.
Throughout the academic year, the high school also organises update courses on theological and pedagogical issues for professionals of the Christian Education , teachers, catechists, parents, etc. Thousands of people have attended these courses over the years.
I reiterate, on behalf of the entire ISCR, my warmest welcome. And with the wish, and the prayer to God, that all these tasks will serve to promote Christian life and the new evangelisation.
Warm regards,
Dr. Fermín Labarga
Director from high school Superior of Religious Sciences
Our objectives
training lay theology: through the deepening of the religious problem, it promotes the knowledge of Christian revelation.
training and degree program of Religion teachers through various educational levels.
update continuous education for professionals of the teaching school Religion.
Virginia Minondo
iscr@unav.esSchools Ecclesiastical Building
31009 Pamplona, Spain
+34 948 42 57 16