graduate in Religious Sciences
notice: Due to a change in the Study program of the Complementary Course (belonging to the first year of the Master's Degree in Marriage and Family), it is notified that the next academic year 2025-26 will not be open for admission and enrollment. The new Study program will start in the academic year 2026-27.
In order to obtain the civil recognition in Spain of graduate in Religious Sciences (240 ECTS credit) it is required to pass, in addition to the high school diploma in Religious Sciences (180 ECTS credit), the Complementary Course (60 ECTS credit).
This procedure is foreseen by the Spanish Episcopal lecture and by the Spanish legislation (BOE, Royal Decree 1619/2011 of November 14).
This new Complementary Course is intended only for those students who have previously completed the three courses of the high school program in Religious Studies.
Virginia Minondo
iscr@unav.esSchools Ecclesiastical Building
31009 Pamplona, Spain
+34 948 42 57 16