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Diploma online de Teología Bíblica

training online at programs of study biblical

The Program of training permanent in biblical programs of study is given by the high school Superior of Religious Sciences of the University of Navarra and allows to deepen in the knowledge of the Sacred Scripture, from a scientific, theological and spiritual perspective, through an online methodology. The program is aimed at anyone interested in learning more about the Bible, broadening their knowledge or specializing. It may be of special interest to catechists, parents, educators and pastoral agents.

These programs of study lead to the obtaining of a degree scroll of the University of Navarra, which is governed by the Organic Law of Universities 2/2023. Therefore, it does not correspond to any of the academic Degrees that are conferred according to the current ecclesiastical legislation. 


En cifras Diploma online de Teología Bíblica



Distributed over two academic years


Credits ECTS credit

750 hours of student dedication


Características y metodología Diploma online de Teología Bíblica


  • DURATION OF THE programs of study: The student will have a maximum of 2 years to complete the 8 subjects. It may be extended to one more year in duly justified cases, with the approval of the ISCR's Board of Directors board .

  • SUPPORT FROM TUTOR staff . Students will be accompanied by a tutor who will guide them throughout the course, guide them and provide support for any queries they may have, both by telephone and email.

  • OBTAINING THE certificate: approve all subjects (only requirement).


Online methodology. The method of study and work are flexible and adapted to the time needs of each student, based on the assessment continuous (activities such as tests, exercises, online classes, etc.) and the final examination online.

Asignaturas Diploma online de Teología Bíblica



3 credits


The subject is properly a Theology of Scripture. sample, from a phenomenological and theological perspective at the same time, how in the Church Scripture is both wholly human and wholly divine word. It therefore deals with the place of the books in the revelation that culminates in Christ and the action of God in their composition and reception in a collection rules and regulations. From these notes derives the interpretation of the books as both human word and word of God.


4 credits


This subject studies the Pentateuch and the other historical books, both the so-called "Deuteronomistic history" and the historical books of the Persian and Hellenistic eras. Its goal is to learn to place the narratives in their historical, literary, legal and religious context, so as to appreciate the teaching contained in these texts as well as their projection into the New Testament.


4 credits


The prophetic books of the Old Testament are studied: the four major prophets and the twelve minor prophets. First, the prophetic phenomenon is analysed from three different perspectives: historical, literary and theological. Each book is then studied in the order in which it appears in the Bible and placed in its historical context. Together with the literary and theological analysis of each book, the aim is also to show how the prophets are read in other books of the Old Testament, in the New Testament and in the later Christian tradition.


4 credits


This subject is devoted to the poetic books of the Old Testament: a book of liturgical prayers (Psalms), a book of lyrical poetry (Song of Songs) and a set of wisdom books (Proverbs, Job, Ecclesiastes, Ecclesiasticus and Wisdom). In addition to their structure and content and some historical questions, their religious message will be discussed and some relevant passages will be exegetesed.


4 credits


This subject first examines, from a historical point of view, the relationship between the Gospels, the apostolic preaching and the life of Jesus. Then the three synoptic Gospels are studied as indebted to the apostolic preaching, and addressed to different audiences. The third part explains the most important passages of the Gospels. Finally, the book of the Acts of the Apostles is studied.


4 credits


The aim of this course is to provide students with a good familiarity with the texts of St. Paul. The aim is to ensure that student knows how to interpret any text from the Pauline epistolary, placing it in its proper historical and literary context. It is necessary to take into account the cultural and social environment of St. Paul, as well as the whole of his thought and the relationship of the various passages to each other, both chronologically and systematically, in order to access their meaning.



4 credits


In this course we will study the introductory questions (place and significance in the canon, structure, authenticity, etc.) of the works that tradition attributes to John the son of Zebedee (Gospel, Letters and Revelation) and the non-Pauline letters of the New Testament (James, Peter and Jude) as well as the main theological contents of each of these writings. The aim is to deepen our understanding of what they contribute to our knowledge understanding of the mystery of Christ in the biblical canon as a whole.



3 credits


The subject is properly a Theology of Scripture. sample, from a phenomenological and theological perspective at the same time, how in the Church Scripture is both wholly human and wholly divine word. It therefore deals with the place of the books in the revelation that culminates in Christ and the action of God in their composition and reception in a collection rules and regulations. From these notes derives the interpretation of the books as both human word and word of God.



Admission and enrollment

  • National Identity Card (double-sided) or color passport

  • Color passport-size photograph

The enrollmentis carried out by academic year according to the subjects enrolled in both semesters (September and February). The enrollmentcan be adapted to the subjects considered, according to their real availabilityfor study, by each academic year.

The price of each subject is calculated according to the number of ECTS credit:

  • Price of the credit : 59,91€ / 1ECTS
  • fees annual fees of administrative office: 25 Euros

March 1 begins the 2024-25 school year admission

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Títulos con el Nihil Obstat

All the degrees offered by the ISCR have the Nihil Obstat granted by the Dicastery for Culture and Education of the Holy See.


Contacto Estudios


Virginia Minondo

Schools Ecclesiastical Building

31009 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 42 57 16
