I conference ISCR Theological-Didactic 2008
Pamplona, 2nd, 3rd and 4th April 2008
Programme of the workshop (PDF)
Wednesday, 2 April 2008 |
10.00 |
Opening ceremony Prof. Vicente Balaguer, President of committee Organiser of the XXIX International Symposium. D. José Ramón Villar, Dean of the School de Teología. Excellency and Magfco. Ángel José Gómez Montoro, President of the University of Navarra. |
10.30 |
The Sacred Scripture, testimony and expression of revelation Prof. Vicente Balaguer School of Theology. University of Navarra |
11.15 |
Coffee break |
11.45 |
The Sacred Scripture, Church book Prof. D. Santiago García-Jalón de la Lama School of Philology Bíblica Trilingüe. Pontifical University of Salamanca |
12.45 |
speech ISCR (classroom 7) Questions on the historical-scientific evaluation of the Sacred Books D. Eulalio Fiestas Lê-Ngoc Director of area of Religion of UNEFA (Unión de Escuelas Familiares Agrarias) |
14.15 |
Lunch |
16.15 |
Style researcher and refreshing disposition Francisco Domingo |
17.00 |
The Bible speaks to me José Luis Font Dialogue religion-culture Meritxell Sabadell project and materials for catechesis parish Amadeo Elcoso |
17.20 |
The Sacred Scripture in ESO and Bach. Ana de Pablo Keys to the new curriculum in the LOE Ev. San Juan in 3rd year of ESO Francisco Domingo |
17.40 |
Ev. San Juan in 3rd year of ESO María Olábarri |
18.10 |
Rest |
18.20 |
presentation and submission for Biblical Documentation of CAUCES Emilio Dáneo |
Thursday, 3 April 2008 |
10.00 |
The Scriptures of Israel, Gospel in Jesus Christ Prof. Michelangelo Tábet Faculty of Theology. Pontificia Università della Santa Croce. Roma |
11.00 |
Coffee break |
11.30 |
The New Testament: Jesus Christ Proclaimed to the Church Prof. Antonio Pitta Faculty of Theology. Pontifical Lateran University. Roma |
12.45 |
speech ISCR (classroom 7) presentation from bibliography and Audiovisuals Mr Jorge Chapa Director from department of Religion of high school Erain |
14.15 |
Lunch |
16.15 |
Realisation of works on the web Jorge Chapa The New Catechism "Jesus is Lord" Francis Dominic |
16.40 |
From the Old to the New Testament Isabel Capelo |
17.05 |
Jesus, the Messiah foretold Mª Eugenia Serrano The biblical account Núria Martorell project and production of a material of catechesis Pedro de la Herrán |
17.30 |
Bible and Creation Isabel Aroca training of the parents Cristina Calbó |
18.00 |
Rest |
18.10 |
Benedict XVI's language on the Church and Evangelisation Ramiro Pellitero |
Friday, 4 April 2008 |
10.00 |
From the biblical canon to the Christian life Prof. Olivier-Thomas Venard, OP École Biblique et Archéologique Française |
11.00 |
Coffee break |
11.30 |
speech ISCR (classroom 7) The Word of God in the new Catechism of the Catholic Church lecture Spanish Episcopal Conference Mr. Juan Ignacio Rodríguez Trillo Director of the Secretariat of catechesis of the Spanish Episcopal lecture |
12.45 |
lecture Closing Scripture, Tradition, Magisterium His Excellency and Rev. Francisco Pérez González Archbishop of Pamplona and Bishop of Tudela |
1. Questions on the historical-scientific evaluation of the Holy Books(PDF)
D. Eulalio Fiestas Lê-Ngoc.
Director of the UNEFA Religion area
2. The researcher style as a means of faculty development(PDF)
Prof. Dr. Francisco Domingo.
Higher Institute of Religious Sciences
3. The Bible, the Word that speaks to me (PDF)
Prof. Dr. José Luis Font Nogués.
Attendis. high school El Romeral. Málaga
4. The Word of God in Dialogue with Culture at second cycle from Education Children's(PDF)
Profª. Dr. Meritxell Sabadell.
high school EI La Farga, Sant Cugat del Vallés, Institució Familar d'Educació
5. An Approach to the Sacred Scripture in ESO and high school diploma (PDF)
6. The Word of God in the catechetical and school setting(PDF)
7. Didactic experience on the Gospel of St. John in 3rd ESO (PDF)
8. Gleaning Channels of Intercommunication: Experiences of Activities and bibliographic and audiovisual list(PDF)
9. presentation of bibliography and Audiovisuals(PDF)
10. Gleaning Intercommunication Channels. Experiences of Activities and bibliographic and audiovisual list(PDF)
11. Introduction of new technologies in the work of area of Religion(PPT)
high school ERAIN Ikastetxea
12. Jesus is Lord(PPT)
Catechism of the Spanish Episcopal lecture
13. The person of Jesus Christ in ESO and high school diploma (PDF)
Mª Eugenia Serrano Vicente
14. "The Biblical Story", an activity for learning and expressing faith in the early ages(PDF).
Núria Martorell.
high school Airina. Institució Familar d'Educació
15. Elaboration of a project of catechesis of preparation of the first Communion(PDF)
16. "Bible and Creation" (1st ESO) (PDF)
Isabel María Aroca González.
high school Entreolivos. Seville. Fomento de Centros de teaching
17. training of Parents in Education Infantil(PDF)
Prof. Dr. Cristina Calbó.
high school La Vall. Institució Familar d'Educació
18. The language of Benedict XVI on the Church and evangelization(PDF)
Prof. Dr. Ramiro Pellitero
Higher Institute of Religious Sciences