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Copies of the journal Ius Canonicum.

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Journal "Ius Canonicum".

Research journal, biannual (900 pages per year), published since 1961.

Ius Canonicum is a general review of Canon Law and ecclesiastical law. It publishes peer-reviewed scientific articles on all areas of canon law, as well as legislative texts promulgated by the Holy See, the activities of the CPTL, and sentences of the Tribunals of the Holy See, with appropriate commentary. Each Issue is completed by a section of reviews and chronicles of jurisprudence, legislation and scientific meetings.

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Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas


Complete works of Professor Javier Hervada

The Martín de Azpilcueta Institute of the University's School of Canon Law has published the complete works of Professor Javier Hervada in a digital version. This is the first document in the collection "Obras Completas de Autores" of the School de Derecho Canónico. It has been edited by Professor Jorge Miras and is the only original document containing the authoritative list of the author's complete canonical works.



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Aplicaciones anidadas


Antonio Viana, Javier Otaduy and Joaquín Sedano pose next to the Diccionario General de Derecho Canónico.



General Dictionary of Canon Law

The General Dictionary of Canon Law combines rigour with accessibility. It contains 2,509 entries in seven volumes. A total of 583 authors from 33 countries have contributed to it.

It is intended to be useful to those involved in academic matters, to lawyers in general, to professionals in the canonical and judicial curia management assistant , and to anyone interested in legal or ecclesiastical matters.
