
Quality Assurance System


The School of Canon Law considers it essential to guarantee the quality of the degrees and services it offers. goal To this end, the university has implemented an Internal Quality Assurance System (SAIC) with the aim of monitoring and continuously reviewing its degrees. This systematically covers the activities that the School carries out in order to promote the quality and continuous improvement of all the official qualifications (Degree, Master's Degree and doctorate) and the services it offers.

The School of Canon Law has a Quality Assurance CommitteeThe management quality assurance system is promoted and supervised by the .

By incorporating review and continuous improvement strategies, School aims to develop and monitor its actions, review and redefine them according to the needs and expectations of its stakeholders.

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Sistema de Garantía de Calidad desplegable

Quality Assurance System

    - Francisco Varo Pineda - coordinator of the Commission(fvaro@unav.es)
- José Luis Pastor - School of Theology - faculty Representative(jpastord@unav.es)
- Gerardo Núñez González - School of Canon Law - faculty representative -(gnunez@unav.es)
- Francisco Gallardo de la Torre - Ecclesiastical School of Philosophy - faculty representative(fgallardo@unav.es)
- Eduardo Flandes Aldeyturriaga - PAS Representative -(eflandes@unav.es)
- Teresa Cía Garza - administrative office Schools Eclesiásticas (teresaciag@unav.es)
- Lourdes Zumaquero Manchado - teaching Planning and Improvement Service (lzumaquero@unav.es)
- Alder Harol Álvarez Maltez - Student Representative
- Jorge Amado Cazabal Vargas - Student Representative

  • Center quality objectives (.pdf)

  • Center Improvement Plan (.pdf)

    - licentiate degree in Canon Law (.pdf)
- doctoral program in Canon Law (.pdf)

Resultados de satisfacción desplegable

Satisfaction results

    - Satisfaction of the students of the licentiate degree in Canon Law (.pdf)

    - Satisfaction PDI Canon Law (.pdf)

calidad_Buzón de sugerencias


Campus University
31009 Pamplona, Spain
Tel: +34 948 425600 Ext. 802611

Normas de funcionamiento:

Operating rules:

→ The processing of the information received is completely confidential.
→ Only the following will be taken into account: data provided by users of the suggestion box that are respectful, truthful, accurate, complete and up to date.
→ The manager to supervise the mailbox and send the suggestions, claims, complaints and congratulations received to the manager of each process.
→ The manager of each process responds to the Username to the sender's email address and also assesses the inclusion of the complaint or suggestion in the report corresponding results analysis.
