To obtain the Degree of licentiate degree it is required the presentation of the report of the Course of internship Juridical and the passing of a test oral examination, internship and theoretical, before a court.
1. The understanding of Canon Law in current canonistics. summary of the main trends.
2. The person in the Canon Law. Legal capacity and capacity to act.
3. Faithfulness and the principles of equality and variety or diversity.
4. The canonical status of the faithful: their fundamental rights and duties.
5. The characteristics of the power of the Roman Pontiff.
6. Main features of the concept of canon law.
7. The legal entity at Canon Law.
8. Legal concept and meaning of official document ecclesiastical.
9. The cardinals and the high school cardinals.
10. Personal ordinariates.
11. Legal regime of singular administrative acts: context, meaning and main aspects.
12. Appeals against administrative acts at Canon Law.
13. The Christian conception of the State in Leo XIII.
14. The Decree of Gratian.
15. The Liber Extra of Gregory IX and the remaining books of the Corpus Iuris Canonici.
16. The right to religious freedom in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
17. outline of the sources of Spanish ecclesiastical law.
18. Historical and interpretative keys to gender ideology.
19. Cause, essence, properties and ends in marriage "in fieri" and in marriage "in facto esse".
20. Ius Connubii and impediments in the canonical marriage system.
21. Separation while remaining the bond, simple validation and healing at the root.
22. Simulation and its various assumptions: concept, development and evidentiary keys.
23. Public and private associations of the faithful.
24. Legal status-staff of member of the clergy: generic analysis.
25. Administration and disposal of ecclesiastical property.
26. Classes of Magisterium and subjection of the faithful to the Magisterium.
27. The celebration of the sacrament of penance.
28. The right of the faithful to receive the Eucharist and the juridical limits to the exercise of that right.
29. Extraordinary appeals against the canonical sentence.
30. Organization of ecclesiastical courts.
31. Marriage nullity proceedings from the m.p. Mitis iudex.
32. Elements of the crime.
33. General characteristics of medicinal penalties or censures.
34. The Synod of Bishops of the Patriarchal Church.
35. Essential characteristics of religious consecration and its basic differences with respect to secular consecration.