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21 | 02 | 2020

"Monks, priests and nuns played a crucial role in the history of the world's scientific and technological development ".

TextoChus Cantalapiedra

ImagenManuel Castells


12 | 02 | 2020

"Women all over the world regularly suffer violations of their rights and the enforcement of their rights is not always considered a priority".

TextoChus Cantalapiedra

ImagenManuel Castells


31 | 01 | 2020

A University expert affirms that the argument of design and the fifth way of St. Thomas are not equivalent.

TextoChus Cantalapiedra

ImagenSantiago Collado.


29 | 01 | 2020

The University submission awards the Silver Medal to 78 professionals.

TextoMaria Salanova

ImagenManuel Castells


13 | 12 | 2019

"If the dialogue between faith and science is to be fruitful, it is absolutely necessary to affirm the inevitable relationship of nature to God."

TextoChus Cantalapiedra

ImagenManuel Castells


20 | 11 | 2019

Physicist Bernabé Linares-Barranco affirms at the University of Navarra that we are at the atomic limit of technology

TextoChus Cantalapiedra

ImagenManuel Castells


17 | 10 | 2019

An expert suggests combining the perspectives of science and religion to address major contemporary ethical issues with confidence.

TextoChus Cantalapiedra

ImagenManuel Castells


27 | 09 | 2019

Professor Paul C. Vitz reflects at the University of Navarra on the integrated Catholic-Christian metamodel of the person

ImagenChus Cantalapiedra


20 | 06 | 2019

Agnieszka Lekka-Kowalik discusses at the University whether the experience of researcher can ever pose a methodological and ethical problem.

TextoChus Cantalapiedra

ImagenChus Cantalapiedra


13 | 06 | 2019

16 students and two professors of the Schools Ecclesiastical Pilgrimage to Rome

TextoChus Cantalapiedra




Mª Jesús Cantalapiedra

Head of Communication of the Schools Ecclesiastics

Schools Ecclesiastical, Campus University

31009 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 42 56 00 ext. 802629
