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News from the School

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01 | 10 | 2021

Isabel Bistué and Juan Víctor Villegas, new delegate and subdelegate of the university

TextoElena Terán

ImagenManuel Castells


30 | 08 | 2021

Manuel Guerra Gómez, professor at School of Theology, passed away.

TextoChus Cantalapiedra

ImagenManuel Castells


04 | 06 | 2021

The University celebrates the investiture of 319 PhDs from 26 countries

TextoMaria Salanova

ImagenManuel Castells


31 | 05 | 2021

César Izquierdo: "Now you must understand well the experience of the exodus: to go out of oneself, to go to the service of mission statement and to bear fruit".

TextoChus Cantalapiedra

ImagenChus Cantalapiedra


27 | 05 | 2021

Tomás Trigo, professor at School de Teología, publishes "Moral teologal".

TextoChus Cantalapiedra


23 | 05 | 2021

"If anything has marked my life at the University, it has been the spiritual and human accompaniment I have received."

TextoChus Cantalapiedra

ImagenChus Cantalapiedra


22 | 05 | 2021

Ramiro Pellitero: "We would not have Christian intellectuals if we did not train them first".

TextoChus Cantalapiedra

ImagenManuel Castells


22 | 05 | 2021

University of Navarra professor Ramiro Pellitero publishes 'Feeling with the Church. In the heart of Christians'.

TextoChus Cantalapiedra



21 | 05 | 2021

"To say that the university is in crisis is a cliché. It always has been, because its ideals are much greater than what can be achieved."

TextoChus Cantalapiedra



13 | 05 | 2021

"God called me to his Church by using my interest in the history of religion."

TextoMaria Acebal

ImagenMaria Acebal



Schools Ecclesiastical Building

31009 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 42 56 00 ext. 802611
