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Tomás Trigo, professor at School de Teología, publishes "Moral teologal".

The book is the twenty-ninth Issue of the Manuals Collection of the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences of the University of Navarra (ISCR).

25 | 05 | 2021

Tomás Trigo, professor at the School of Theology at the University of Navarra, has published Moral teologal, the twenty-ninth book in the "Colección Manuales ISCR"of the high school Superior de Ciencias Religiosas published by EUNSA.

Professor Trigo reminds us that the Christian united to God by sanctifying grace is a divinised human being, "a child of God not only because he or she is created, but also because he or she participates in the divine nature". And that, with grace, "God grants him the supernatural virtues, the gifts of the Holy Spirit and various charisms, which enable him to identify with Christ and to carry out the mission statement of collaborating with Him in the exciting task of Redemption".

In this sense, the guide presents the theological virtues of faith, hope and charity in a synthetic way, taking as a basis the Sacred Scripture, Tradition and the Magisterium of the Church. Likewise, sample relates each of them to the gifts of the Holy Spirit and to the corresponding human realities: human faith, the passion of hope, fortitude, justice and the love of friendship. Professor Trigo points out that "because of its special relationship with the theological virtues, the virtue of religion is also studied, which acquires a new physiognomy when it becomes part of Christian life".

Tomás Trigo is Professor of Moral Theology at the University of Navarra and author of numerous publications. He obtained the licentiate degree in History and Geography at the University of Valladolid. He obtained his doctorate in Philosophy and in Theology at the Pontificia Università della Santa Croce (Rome). He was ordained priest by John Paul II in 1987. His themes of research are the relationship between the natural law and the law of Christ, and the virtues.

The "ISCR Manuals Collection" is aimed at parents, catechists and formators, teachers of religion or professionals from different fields who feel the need to improve their own formation.

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