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14 | 02 | 2019

The University of Navarra is holding the 3rd Children against Cancer degree program this Sunday.

TextoMaría González Zabal


22 | 01 | 2019

The running festival in favour of the fight against childhood cancer

TextoMaría González Zabal

ImagenManuel Castells


20 | 11 | 2018

The Science Museum joins the outings of the University of Navarra's Mountain Club

TextoLaura Juampérez


25 | 10 | 2018

The charity Golf Trophy of "Niños contra el Cáncer" raises more than 48,000 Euros

ImagenChildren against Cancer


18 | 10 | 2018

A new course for the Sports Talent programme

TextoBlanca Basanta

ImagenBlanca Basanta



administrative office Sports
Edificio sports center
Campus Universitario s/n

31009 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 425600
