BIOMA Seminar Series
The Biodiversity and Environment Institute organizes a series of seminars with researchers and experts in different fields.
These are the next seminars that will take place both at the University of Navarra and online.
Seminar Calendar

→ November 14, 2024. 12:30 h.
Dr. Khashi U Rahman, M. researcher at the department of Microbiology and Genetics of the Institute of research in Agrobiotechnology (CIALE) of the University of Salamanca.
"Crop diversification for sustainable crop production: moving past legumes".
More information
→ September 5, 2024. 12:00 h.
Dr. Gabriel Arellano. researcher at the department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Michigan and founder of Oikobit LLC.
"Community ecology and tree mortality in tropical forests."