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More than
60 years old

of history

Aplicaciones anidadas


ISSA School of Applied Management celebrated its 60th anniversary in the 2023/2024 academic year. Six decades since the launch of an innovative and cutting-edge program that, over the years, has been adapting its Study program to the needs of companies and organizations. Today, the renewed academic proposal of theDegree in management Applied remains unique and recognized in the market for the training integrated in business, Communication and Languages

To commemorate the occasion, several events were organized throughout the year in Pamplona, Madrid and San Sebastian in which current students, alumni, faculty, companies and families gathered to make report and learn about the projects in which ISSA School of Applied Management is currently working to continue adding indelible memories for many decades to come.


60th anniversary

Aplicaciones anidadas


60th Anniversary Meetings

Aplicaciones anidadas



November 16, 2023




March 9, 2024



San Sebastian

June 22, 2024




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Aplicaciones anidadas


Six decades of trajectory

ISSA School of Applied Management is a unique center in Spain, pioneer in providing university training focused on management and business organization. Since 2021 it offers the Degree in management Applied - Applied Management, degree program official that trains professionals specialized in planning and managing processes, resources and people in different areas of organizations.

The training proposal of the Degree in management Applied Management - Applied Management responds to the demand from companies for professionals capable of understanding the organization as a whole, equipped with solid theoretical and technical knowledge to ensure sustainable management of resources and processes and ensure a certain communication with their different stakeholders. The transversality of its programs of study (Accounting and Finance, Operations, Logistics, Quality, Human Resources, International Trade, Communication and Marketing, Languages or Law, among other areas of knowledge) allows internship graduates to identify problems, propose solutions and implement them, from agreement with techniques and tools from management based on data analysis, in international and intercultural contexts

Throughout its 60 years of history, the academic center has made several changes to its Study program that have responded, at each moment, to the evolution and needs of the business and its environment. Established in 1963 at the express wish of St. Josemaría Escriva de Balaguer, founder and first Chancellor of the University of Navarra, for decades its classrooms were used to teach internationally recognized programs of study at attendance in Senior Management.



  • 1. 60 YEARS

    60th anniversary

    During the academic year 2023-2024, ISSA School of Applied Management celebrated its 60th anniversary.

    60th anniversary
  • 1963


    The high school Higher School of Secretarial and Administrative Studies of the University of Navarra (ISSA) opened its doors in San Sebastian on October 1, 1963. It was installed in the Eva Enea building (on Cuesta de Aldapeta), under the direction of María Luisa González. Two years earlier, Tecnun-Escuela de Ingeniería had also been set up in San Sebastian.

  • 1966


    In 1966, ISSA inaugurated the laboratory de Idiomas.

    That same year, the first graduating class of management secretaries completed their studies at programs of study .

  • 1968

    New Study Plans

    In 1968, two new curricula were introduced: "Stenotypist and Interpreter" and "Interpreter of business".

    New Study Plans <br/>
  • 1970

    Night Studies

    In 1970, the evening programs of study "Secretarial Administration" for professionals was introduced. In total, that year, 160 students shared the classrooms of the ISSA building.

    Night Studies
  • 1986

    Pioneers in international exchange programmes

    ISSA signed, in 1986, the first agreements for exchange students with the ESBI School of the Catholic University of Lille. International internship programs were also established with high school BERNOM in Bordeaux (France) and high school PIHO in Ghent (Belgium).

    Pioneers in international exchange programmes
  • 1988

    25th anniversary

    In 1988 ISSA celebrated its 25th anniversary. After the graduation of the 23rd class, the number of 1,150 graduates reached 1,150 alumni. The placement rate was 100%.

    25th anniversary
  • 1989

    Foundation of SPACE

    In 1989 ISSA was a founding member of SPACE, the first European network of schools of Modern Languages, Business Administration and International Business.

    Until the change in its Study program in 2021, it was part of the organization together with more than 90 institutions of Education .

    Foundation of SPACE
  • 1996

    Erasmus Programme

    In 1996, ISSA was a pioneer in the University in having its students participate in the Erasmus Program.

    Erasmus Programme
  • 2001

    International conventions

    ISSA signed an agreement with the State University of New York in 2001, agreement . Graduates could obtain an Associate Degree, internships and programs of study at the Rochester Institute of Technology.

    International conventions
  • 2005

    Multilingual Management Assistant

    In 2005 ISSA implemented a new Study program called 'Multilingual Management Assistant' which entailed studying 60% of the degree program in other languages, mainly in English.

    Multilingual Management Assistant
  • 2009

    Degree university

    In 2009, ISSA's programs of study became an official university Degree , subject to the Bologna plan, combining training with a clear international projection. The Degree in attendance Management-Management Assistance begins to be offered.

    Degree university
  • 2012

    New agreements with the USA and Canada

    ISSA signed, in 2012, student exchange agreements with Centennial College (Canada) and the University of California (Riverside, USA).

    New agreements with the USA and Canada
  • 2013

    Transfer to Pamplona

    In 2013, ISSA moved to Pamplona.

    Despite the move to campus in Pamplona, students who had started their programs of study in San Sebastian continued to receive their classes there. The first class to graduate in Pamplona did so in 2017.

    Transfer to Pamplona
  • 2013

    50th anniversary (1963-2013)

    That same academic year, 2013-2014, the School celebrated its 50th anniversary with various events. The finishing touch was put with the congress 'The next 50 years at business: challenge and growth staff in a globalized world'.

    50th anniversary (1963-2013)
  • 2018

    New Study program

    In 2018, a change was initiated in the Study program, guided by the evolution of the profiles demanded by the business. The new plan, in which the methodology professor by projects was implemented, was bilingual and included two international stays.

    New Study program
  • 2021

    New Degree

    In September 2021 ISSA began teaching the Degree in management Applied-Applied Management, the result of the evolution initiated in 2018. The new Degree, unique in Spain, is characterized by its versatility and transversality.

    New Degree
  • 2021

    New name

    With the profound revision of Study program, ISSA defined, also in 2021, a new name for the center, which was renamed "ISSA School of Applied Management".

    New name
  • 2024

    In the service of business

    Since 1963, the academic and educational proposal of ISSA School of Applied Management has adapted to the needs of business. After a thorough revision of its Study program, today its classrooms train experts in management and organization, with a command of languages and communication skills.

    In the service of business