University experience
Pablo, Carmen, María, Asun, Melissa and Jorge share their testimony as students of Degree in management Applied Management at the University of Navarra.
"No matter what I ended up doing in the future, Applied Management is gonna help me get there. Being here makes me feel like I have a purpose in this time of my life."
"There is a world out there that I can get to know and that is partly discovered because people have been introducing you to it in college and during the degree program. The Degree in Applied Management enhances who you are and what you are."
University Life
volunteer activities
In order to complement the training that students receive during the Degree in management Applied, every four-month period different Sectorial conference are organized at ISSA School of Applied Management. In this way, throughout the seven semesters of degree program (in the eighth semester students carry out exchange Academic or Curricular Internships), students can learn about the particularities and opportunities of different sectors, as well as the professional profile of each area addressed: International Trade and Logistics, Human Resources, management of Fashion Business, Tourism and Hospitality, Entrepreneurship...
These lectures, given by renowned professionals, provide students with a more applied vision of the academic content covered during the course, while at the same time bringing them closer to the professional reality to which they can dedicate themselves in the future.
CONFERENCE 2024-2025

In the second semester of this academic year 2024/2025 we will be able to enjoy the second Sectorial conference of ISSA School of Applied Management. The second conference will be held on March 12th and 27th and will topic on Entrepreneurship and Innovation. On the 12th we will have the following guests: Isabel Llorens (Rusticae) and Arancha Díaz- Llado (Twinco Capital). And on the 27th: Carlos Rojas (NVIDIA).