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ISSA School of Applied Management considers it essential to guarantee the quality of the degrees and services it offers. To this end, the University has implemented an Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS ) with goal to monitor and continuously review its degrees. This systematically covers the activities that the School/School carries out in order to enhance the quality and continuous improvement of all official qualifications (Degree, masters and doctorate) and the services it offers. 

ISSA School of Applied Management has a Quality Assurance Committee, which is responsible for promoting and supervising the quality management system.

By incorporating review and continuous improvement strategies, ISSA School of Applied Management aims to develop and monitor its actions, review and redefine them according to the needs and expectations of its stakeholders.

Aplicaciones anidadas


Quality Assurance System


  • Deputy Director from Office of Academic Affairs: D . Cóilín Ó hAodha.

  • Quality Coordinator: Ms. María José Razkin.

  • faculty representative: Mr. Juan Francisco Carias.

  • Representative of student body: Ms. Leyre Carrascosa.

  • PAS Representative: Ms. Beatriz Fuertes.

  • Representative of employers and graduates: Mr. Javier Irigaray Murillo.

  • Representative of the Planning and Improvement Service of teaching: Ms. Sonsoles Sancha Zúñiga.


Satisfaction Results



Official Documentation of the Degrees


Official degrees, such as this one, have been verified by the committee of Universities and are subject to the monitoring and accreditation processes established by law. In these processes, the report of the degree is evaluated and approved, which is the document that contains all the relevant planning information.

Both the report and the reports issued in the different processes are linked below:

Official degrees, such as this one, have been verified by the committee of Universities and are subject to the monitoring and accreditation processes established by law. In these processes, the report of the degree is evaluated and approved, which is the document that contains all the relevant planning information.

Both the report and the reports issued in the different processes are linked below:


Amigos Building
31009 Pamplona, Spain
+34 948 425 634


Suggestion box

First name and surname
E-mail address
Suggestion / enquiry null

Aplicaciones anidadas


Operating rules:

→ The processing of the information received is completely confidential.
→ Only those data provided by users of the suggestion box that are respectful, truthful, accurate, complete and up to date will be taken into account.
→ The manager of supervising the mailbox forwards the suggestions, claims, complaints and congratulations received to the manager of each process (according to annex 3 of PE1).
→ The manager of each process responds to the Username to the sender's email address and also assesses the inclusion of the complaint or suggestion in the corresponding results analysis report .