
"To the students, I would tell them to be the ones to look for opportunities, not wait for them to come to them."

Dina Navaridas (COM'04), Sales Manager en Meta

1. What are you working on right now?

I am Sales Manager at goal, for Mid-Market France, and I work in the international HQ of the business, in Dublin. 

2. What do you like most about your work?

The people I work with every day, both internally and externally. Seeing people grow within the team and evolve within the business is very rewarding, as well as helping companies achieve their business objectives thanks to our partnership. 

 3. What do you remember about your training at the School?

Those were years that went by very fast and we learned a lot, I have very good memories and I have very good friends from School. I always look forward to going back and remembering those years.

4. What has helped you the most in your professional career?

International experiences, languages, flexibility of movement to be able to move forward with the best opportunities, personal relationships and real commitment to each work space.

5. What committee would you give to a student who is now studying at the School?

I would advise having international experiences as early as possible. Look for opportunities, don't wait for them to come to you. Be committed and enthusiastic about each position as if it were your project. Build good relationships, treat your colleagues with respect and finish well with every business you work for, it's a small world out there.

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