
"I think part of the magic of FCOM lies in the people who inhabit it, live it and nurture it on a daily basis. It becomes a space of home."

Marta Prieto (COM'24), product salesperson at Zara (e-commerce)

1. What are you working on right now?

I am a product salesperson at Zara. Specifically, I am focused on the Girl's section within Zara Kids, in the .com (e-commerce) part.

2. What do you like most about your work?

What I like most about my work is the multiple facets it has: a more numerical part focused on the analysis of sales and collections, a deep knowledge of the product and a more creative side in the management of shootings, layout of e-commerce... It makes me touch different verticals that make it a very rich and dynamic position.

3. What do you remember about your training at the School?

I have precious memories of my years at FCOM, and the truth is that I find it difficult to single out among so many memorable moments. In general, I would say that the first thing that comes to mind are the people. The close attention with the professors and other professionals, the "good morning" of the janitors that were never missing, the predisposition and the willingness to help of the colleagues. I believe that part of the magic of FCOM lies in the people who inhabit it, live it and nurture it on a daily basis. It becomes a place of home, of comfort but also of a lot of growth, where you can go as far as you want. I would say that: the people and all the opportunities they give you.

4. What has helped you the most in your professional career?

Undoubtedly, the support and guide teachers and other professionals who choose to share their experience and expertise with students. They are a source of inspiration, they are a guide and, moreover, they are the first to celebrate the achievements of others as if they were their own. I believe that thanks to them we students begin to think of ways we had never thought of before, we ask ourselves better questions and we enjoy the learning process in which they immerse us.

5. What committee would you give to a student who is now studying at the School?

To live every day and squeeze out the opportunities that are put on the table. It may sound like the typical thing everyone says, but we are very lucky to have a space where our ideas are heard, valued and even carried out. Let him be open to meeting people, let him ask questions and be curious, let him sign up for extracurricular activities. They will end up adding a lot.

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