
"From my training I remember the understanding of the usefulness of journalism not only as products, but as a service and a way of being in the world."

José Manuel Cuevas (COM'18), publisher at El Orden Mundial

1. What are you working on right now?

work as a publisher at El Orden Mundial, a media specialized in international affairs, where I mainly edit and manage articles and coordinate a podcast.

2. What do you like most about your work?

The opportunity to learn something every day, either from my colleagues or from the topics we deal with, in a very intellectually stimulating environment.

3. What do you remember about your training at the School?

The usefulness of journalism not only as a series of products, but above all as a service and as a way of being in the world. 

4. What has helped you the most in your professional career?

The importance of the human dimension in everything we do.

5. What committee would you give to a student who is now studying at the School?

To seek answers, but above all to ask questions, to take advantage of conversations inside and outside the classroom, and to do things without fear of making mistakes.

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