1. What are you working on right now?
Right now work work in the marketing department of Disney+ Spain, specifically in the brand area . I support the marketing manager in this area, making media plans for every degree scroll or campaign we have, every campaign is a challenge!
2. What do you like most about your work?
I like the variety of content we work with. There is something for everyone and it is very dynamic.
3. What do you remember about your training at the School?
Personally, what I remember most and what has helped me the most is the human area , that less theoretical part but so important for the day to day. It helped me a lot those talks with Antonio Martinez-Illán where he encouraged me to dream big, and never let go of my illusions. Having a hobby, for example, becomes difficult once you get into the work wheel and it is important to know how to take care of yourself by making the most of your talents.
4. What has helped you the most in your professional career?
Knowing how to say no, even if sometimes no one understands why you make the decision to leave a work, change, or get yourself valued. I think it is important to listen to yourself and follow your intuition. It's okay if you make a mistake, because you learn. You have to take risks. As my grandfather used to say: "el món és dels valents" (the world belongs to the brave).
5. What committee would you give to a student who is now studying at the School?
He should take advantage of every opportunity, enjoy with his friends, and not forget that in a few years, those friends and/or colleagues could very likely be his bosses.