
"The time I spent with my class was a core topic for me. It's an incredible bond".

Ainhoa Paredes (COM'98), Mediaset España's London correspondent

1. What are you working on right now?

I have been covering the news in the UK and Ireland for Telecinco News since 2006. Sometimes the news has taken me a bit further, like when I had to fly to Iceland because of the volcano eruption. In television it's a core topic to be on the scene of the news and arrive on time. I am lucky to live in a city, London, which is very well connected to the rest of the world. 

2. What do you like most about your work?

Witnessing history and being able to tell it; reflecting on the way and the words to use to approach an event, as well as having the opportunity to meet interesting people every day. 

3. What do you remember about your training at the School?

When I look back, it seems unbelievable how many topics we covered in the degree program: history, politics, Economics, etc. And without knowing at the time that I would end up being a correspondent for the written press, radio and television, and that I would have to talk about all these topics in my day-to-day work. The time I spent with my class was also a core topic for me. Incredible bonds are woven. I have met some of them again in my profession and I consider others as family. 

4. What has helped you the most in your professional career?

Reflecting on journalistic ethics. Besides, I was influenced by María Teresa La Porte (Mateye). She is still my reference. With her I shared a passion for international news and with her I had the good fortune to participate in a cooperation project in Kenya the penultimate and last summer of the degree program.

5. What committee would you give to a student who is now studying at the School?

Reflect now on what kind subject journalist or communicator you want to be afterwards. I am not referring to what work you will have because that is difficult to know beforehand (I never thought I would end up in television) but to ethical reflections. Once you start working in this profession everything goes very fast and you will have to make very quick decisions in a short time that will pose many dilemmas. 

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