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23 | 03 | 2015

"It is not possible download conscience"

ImagenManuel Castells


12 | 03 | 2015

The high school Superior of Religious Sciences publishes "Introduction to Theology".

TextoFina Trèmols


10 | 03 | 2015

"Common Morality, the search for a universal bioethics".


ImagenManuel Castells

09 | 03 | 2015

Professor Brian Leftow led two seminars of the Cluster Group on Analytic Theology.

TextoAgustín Echavarría

ImagenManuel Castells

05 | 03 | 2015

"Worshipping God in the liturgy".

TextoFina Trèmols

ImagenManuel Castells

26 | 02 | 2015

Schools Ecclesiastical: with its own name. February 2015

TextoFina Trèmols

ImagenManuel Castells

20 | 02 | 2015

1,670 international students from 74 countries study at the University.

TextoRaquel Astibia

ImagenManuel Castells

18 | 02 | 2015

The director of the Ian Ramsey Centre in Oxford visit the University

TextoFina Trèmols

ImagenManuel Castells

06 | 02 | 2015

"The Education, a good communication".

TextoFina Trèmols

ImagenManuel Castells

03 | 03 | 2015

"Challenges and orientations on the family. A purpose of two Synods".

TextoFina Trèmols

ImagenManuel Castells and loaned



Mª Jesús Cantalapiedra

Head of Communication of the Schools Ecclesiastics

Schools Ecclesiastical, Campus University

31009 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 42 56 00 ext. 802629
