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Carlos Pérez, in memoriam

On the 10th anniversary of his death

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The Full Professor Carlos Pérez in 2001. PHOTO: Manuel Castells
03/08/15 14:43 Fina Trèmols

On July 31, 2005, a mountain accident took the life of Carlos Pérez, Full Professor of Physics at the University of Navarra.

Ten years later, and at the initiative of Héctor Mancini, Professor Emeritus of Physics and Applied Mathematics, a Mass was celebrated at chapel of Sciences Building, concelebrated by José Manuel Giménez Amaya, director of group of research Science, Reason and Faith (CRYF) and Sergio Sánchez Migallón, Dean of the School Ecclesiastic of Philosophy and member of the CRYF, which was attended by some academic authorities of the University of Navarra and colleagues from work of Professor Pérez.

In his homily, Professor Giménez Amaya emphasized how "with the passage of time the pain of the death of a loved one - and thanks to the closeness of faith - makes it possible to feel his presence closer and to entrust oneself to him". Carlos Pérez, who together with Don Mariano ArtigasMariano Artigas, founded the CRYF, "are now our intercessors from Heaven," he concluded.



