13 | 09 | 2013
Professors from School Ecclesiastical Philosophy take part in a workshop in Oxford.
TextoFina Trèmols
06 | 09 | 2013
"Giving is the highest form of freedom".
TextoMaria Salanova
ImagenManuel Castells
06 | 09 | 2013
Promoting a good training and employability, the challenges facing the university
TextoMaria Salanova
ImagenManuel Castells
06 | 09 | 2013
Today marks the official opening of the 2013-2014 academic year.
TextoMaria Salanova
ImagenManuel Castells
03 | 09 | 2013
University of Navarra - On
02 | 09 | 2013
8,000 pupils at Degree start classes
TextoMaria Salanova
ImagenManuel Castells
30 | 08 | 2013
Schools Ecclesiastical: with own name (July-August 2013)
08 | 08 | 2013
33 students from 13 countries take part in a course on language Spanish at Schools Eclesiasticas
TextoIsabel Solana
29 | 07 | 2013
Prayer, the sacraments and financial aid to others, keys to Pope Francis' message at WYD in Brazil
TextoIsabel Solana
ImagenManuel Castells
25 | 06 | 2013
Schools Ecclesiastical: with its own name (June 2013)
Mª Jesús Cantalapiedra
Head of Communication of the Schools Ecclesiastics
mcantal@unav.esSchools Ecclesiastical, Campus University
31009 Pamplona, Spain
+34 948 42 56 00 ext. 802629