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Schools Ecclesiastical: with own name September 2013

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30/09/13 12:57

This section highlights the most relevant academic activities carried out by the professors of Schools during the month.







Professor Fermín Labarga intervened in Malaga on September 27th at the V International congress of Vera Cruz Brotherhoods with the discussion paper entitled: "Fiestas in honor of the Holy Cross". The academic part of the congress is under the direction of Dr. Marion Reder and the team of research "Crisol Malaguide" of the University of Malaga. In addition, Fermín Labarga participated in the Week of Marian programs of study of the Spanish Mariological Society, with the discussion paper entitled: "Mary, the believing Virgin, through art". Lérida, September 11.


Professor Enrique R. Moros participated in the congress Faith Science/Reason organized by the Catholic University of Valencia with the discussion paper: "From the analytical Philosophy to theism: Antony Flew". Here you can see the video of his intervention.

Professor César Izquierdo participated in Madrid on September 20 and 21 in
the "meeting of bishops and theologians", organized by the Episcopal Commission for the Doctrine of the Faith, of the Spanish Episcopal lecture . He developed the discussion paper: "The transmission of the faith in contemporary culture". Archbishop Manuel Ureña Pastor, Archbishop of Zaragoza, responded. Professor Izquierdo is a member of the Theological Advisory Commission of the same Episcopal Commission.


On September 9 and 10, Joaquin Sedano participated in the "II Conferenza Internazionale di Studi sull'Insegnamento della Storia delle Fonti nelle Facoltà Ecclesiastiche di Diritto Canonio", organized by the School of Canon Law Pio X in Venice, with the discussion paper: "Strumenti informatici per lo studio e la ricerca delle fonti storiche del diritto canonico".



Pablo Blanco gave the lecture "The Church in the thought of Joseph Ratzinger", in the XIV conference of Theology, organized by the high school Theological Compostelano, from September 3 to 4.




Juan J. Guardia HernándezProfessor teaching assistant of the School of Canon Law, defended his thesis doctoral dissertation "The model Catalan secularism: legislative, political and doctrinal examination" last July at the University of Barcelona. The blog of the "Catalan Journal of Public Law"





