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23 | 01 | 2012
Why was the bank helped?
José Luis Álvarez Arce
Director from department at Economics. School of Economic and Business Sciences
Published in:The World
10 | 01 | 2012
More of the same, but less of what is needed
Isabel Rodríguez Tejedo
Professor of department of Economics, University of Navarra
Published in:La Razón
14 | 12 | 2011
A new "historic" summit
Raúl Bajo Buenestado
Professor teaching assistant of Principles of Microeconomics, University of Navarra, Spain.
Published in:Diario de Córdoba
04 | 12 | 2011
An injection of confidence
Professor of Economics , University of Navarra
A domino effect that would be lethal
José Luis Álvarez
Director from department of Economics, University of Navarre
Head of Communication
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